Alkolenker is hidden after an accident in front of Burgenland police


The 35-year-old man was traveling late in the evening with his car on the B 57 between Neustift and Güssing, police reported.


Have you ever had a car accident?

Domination of the car and skidding. The vehicle rolled in front of a bridge and stuck on a meadow on the other side of the bridge

When officers arrived at the scene of the accident, the driver did not go to the scene. was more in the car. The 35 year old man had escaped after the accident.

With the help of Güssing's fire brigade, the man was finally found after a short time. He was hiding in a bush, according to police.

The man does not have a driver's license

The 35-year-old man denied driving the car. The search for another person with the help of a thermal imaging device failed.

Finally, the motorist admitted to traveling alone. According to the police, the driver of the car had suffered no visible injuries.

However, an emergency doctor brought him to Güssing Hospital for a precautionary examination. A completed Alkotest was positive, and it also does not have a driver's license.

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