Alt-LH Pröll after camber even unconscious


Once again worried about Erwin Pröll (ÖVP). The governor of Lower Austria suffered a heavy accident Saturday with his bike. "He suffered severe abrasions all over the body and bruises," said a close friend of Pröll about AUSTRIA. Pröll must even spend the night at the hospital because of an alleged concussion

The accident occurred during a 50-kilometer cycling race during the days Wachau cyclists, attended by former cyclists and other celebrities. As a result, the pbadionate cyclist Pröll came after about 25 kilometers to Maria Langegg (Krems district) on a wet road to fall. The cause was a broken tire. In a bend, he lost control of his bike and came crashing down. Pröll, 71, also unconscious for a short time, immediately received emergency medical care and was transferred to Spital Krems to the rescue.

Last year, Pröll and Rad went wrong

. The retired politician had just recovered from his last bike accident in the summer of 2017 and once again stepped on the bike saddle

Pröll then made headlines when he was coming back from the bike. a 60-kilometer bike ride outside Radlbrunn. crushed and seriously injured. The result: a fractured pelvis. The Alt-LH was then on crutches for six weeks, but escaped at least one operation. "This time, he was lucky in misfortune," says a friend

Eyewitness: "His helmet saved him"

Former world champion Franz Stocher was eyewitness from the accident.

  Franz Stocher
© GEPA images

AUSTRIA: Mr. Stocher, you have driven behind the governor. How did the accident happen?

Franz Stocher: He crashed into a left turn on a slippery slope on a wet road. His rear wheel slid away and then burst. He had no chance. Maybe he was traveling too fast, about 30 km / h.

AUSTRIA: How were first aid?

Stocher: Optimal. We stopped immediately and tried to help. Fortunately, there was a doctor in our group. Since Mr. Pröll had fallen on his head, he was also seconds away. If he had not put on a helmet, that would have gone wrong

AUSTRIA: Did Mr Pröll react again?

Stocher: Yes, he could answer questions from paramedics. He knew his name and when he was born.

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