Alzheimer's research: first effective vaccine developed


A vaccine against Alzheimer's disease soon available?

Alzheimer's disease affects many older people around the world. Unfortunately, there is still no cure for Alzheimer's disease. Will this change in the near future thanks to the latest research in this area? The researchers announced that they had made tremendous progress in finding a cure for Alzheimer's disease and that they had developed a vaccine that eliminates clumps of protein tau in the brain.

The ongoing study at the University of New Mexico (UNM) has developed a virus-like particle vaccine that eliminates agglutination of tau protein. The results were published in the English language journal "NPJ Vaccines".

Alzheimer's disease is a disease that has a significant impact on life with other people. Not only the affected people, but also the family members are severely affected by the disease. (Image:

About one in three seniors in the world is afflicted with Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive memory disorder that would affect about one in three seniors in the world, or about 43 million people. It is thought that the disease is caused by slow destruction of brain cells badociated with a protein called tau. In particular, neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), accumulations of saturated tau proteins, constitute a primary marker of Alzheimer's disease.

How does the vaccine work?

The researchers have now developed a vaccine containing virus-like particles. This is able to eliminate tau accumulations in specially developed mice to develop symptoms similar to those of human patients with Alzheimer's disease. "We are satisfied with these results because they seem to indicate that the body's immune system can be used to make antibodies against existing deposits.In reality, these antibodies bind and eliminate tau bundles," said the author. from the study, Nicole Maphis, of the University of New Mexico in a press release.

The vaccine works in mice

When the vaccine was administered to mice, they developed antibodies to remove tau protein from their brain. The so-called anti-tau antibodies persisted for months in the brains of mice. The treated mice performed better on labyrinthine tests, exhibiting less brain shrinkage and less entanglement in the cortex and hippocampus (areas of the brain normally destroyed by Alzheimer's disease) at the same time. course of an MRI examination. "These results confirm that targeted treatment of tau protein bundles with a vaccine can help clear memory disorders and prevent neuron death," Maphis explains.

Additional research on humans is needed

While the process has just been successfully tested on mice, researchers are already seeking funds to market the vaccine in order to develop it and also test it on humans. Pharmaceutical research indicates that curing Alzheimer's disease may not be so far away. Alzheimer's disease is a devastating and deadly disease, with a daily increase in the number of people affected. It is therefore urgent to find an effective and rapid remedy.

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