Amtsanmaßungsanzeige: Car handlebar (17) with blue lights and megaphone on the road


Sebastian Noggler

Sebastian Noggler
from Kufstein

KUFSTEIN (red). On November 9th at 9:50 pm, several vehicle drivers reported by telephone to the police that a vehicle traveling at an excessive speed in the station area was driving and was using the blue handlebars and a megaphone. During a search, the wanted car could be stopped by the police at 10:45 pm.

The driver, a 17-year-old Austrian, said he used blue light and the megaphone to stop a friend he was driving in front of him for pleasure. Later, he turned on the blue light again.

The megaphone, the blue light and the license plate were secured, the 17-year-old suspect was allegedly charged to the Innsbruck prosecutor's office and several administrative offenses to the Kufstein district team .

Sebastian Noggler

Sebastian Noggler
from Kufstein

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