An unknown criminal fires two homeless people in Berlin | TIME ONLINE


Berlin (dpa) – Two homeless men were detonated in Berlin and seriously injured. According to the first results of the police, an unknown culprit paid the two men and their belongings Sunday evening in front of the Schöneweide station with a flammable liquid.

The act occurred around 11 pm. Witnesses from a nearby snack bar came to help and extinguished the flames. Paramedics provided first aid. Concrete references to the author or a mobile were initially unknown. A murder commission resumed the investigation.

The men of 47 and 62 years old had settled their quarters in the forecourt of the station of the east of the capital. After the arson, they were taken to the hospital. Because of the injuries, they could not yet be interviewed by the criminal police, as one spokesman said. The victims are German citizens. There was no more information about them at first.

At night, experts from the Criminal Investigation Department investigated the crime scene. The photos show how they look for traces in the partially burned camp of homeless between carts, blankets, pillows and clothes. Officials interviewed witnesses during the night and Monday. Police check if the station's location is monitored by cameras. If the culprit was in the station, he could have been filmed by the local cameras.

In the media, Monday morning, there were two attackers. A police spokesman said: "We only know one offender." This was the result of the first on-site investigation.

The fact that the perpetrator came from an extremist right wing or aggressive but not political circles or even belongs to the homeless was still completely unknown on Monday.

The victims camped near an elevator cage on the forecourt of the train station, between the station building, a large shopping mall and an artery. Thus, the crime scene was very visible from all sides – especially because the big train station and the surrounding area with its snack bars and pubs are still very busy on a hot summer evening.

The case recalls the fire attack on a homeless on Christmas Eve 2016, which had made headlines throughout Germany. At that time, a group of teenagers in a subway station had tried to light a sleeping man with a lighter. The main culprit was found guilty of attempting dangerous aggression. The act was more the result of the boredom of young refugees and a dangerous group dynamic.

It is estimated that there are between 4,000 and 10,000 homeless people in Berlin.

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