Angela Merkel: The successor candidate Friedrich Merz at 132 euros for the winners of the Hartz IV is enough? – New


Earthquake in Berlin after the elections in Hesse: Angela Merkel announced her withdrawal from both offices. Now the struggle for succession is raging. The teletypewriter of Berlin.

  • First, the clash of the faction in the form of the Brinkhaus election and the deselection of Kauder, now the bankruptcies of the Union in the elections of Hesse and Bavaria: Chancellor Angela Merkel goes through a difficult week and announced Monday his resignation from the party presidency. The debate over succession determines the agenda.
  • The poor performance of CSU and SPD in Bavaria plunges the grand coalition into a crisis.
  • Several SPD politicians want to come out of the grand coalition.
  • In a new poll, the Union has fallen to its lowest level.
  • Developments of the last days can be found here.

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Friedrich Merz: The successor candidate of Angela Merkel at 132 euros under the rule Hartz IV is it sufficient?

10:16 p.m.: The presidential candidate of the CDU, Friedrich Merz, was confronted with an unpleasant question during his first public appearance after the announcement of his candidacy. At the federal press conference, a journalist told him he had already stated that he considered that a monthly monthly Hartz IV fee of € 132 was sufficient. But Merz vehemently denied that badertion.

In fact, there is no such quote from Merz. how Focus online reported, was probably the reason for the question of the 11 September 2008 speech of the CDU politician by the journalist to the FDP parliamentary group in Wiesbaden.

At the time, Merz had praised a controversial study on the needs of social service recipients, according to a subsequent correspondent report. According to the report, in the Chemnitz study of two economics professors, 132 euros per month for the beneficiaries of Hartz IV were sufficient. In this context, Merz argued that there should not always be an expansion, but also a limitation of the welfare state.

The study sparked fierce criticism at the time, notably from Chancellor Angela Merkel. However, scientists at no point in their study claimed that 132 euros should become the Hartz-IV rule set. At the time, researchers simply figured out how much money it took at least to live in a healthy man. They determined the sum on the basis of cost in the city of Chemnitz, which is one of the cheapest cities in Germany.

Spahn criticizes Merkel again for her refugee policy

4:51 p.m.: Health Minister Jens Spahn again criticized Chancellor Angela Merkel's (UDC) policy on refugees. Spahn, who is trying to succeed Merkel as president of the CDU, wrote in a contribution to the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" (Thursday) that the refugee and migration policy was the most important reason why his party had lost a lot of confidence. The refugee policy is "the white elephant in the room".

Thus, Spahn also took part in the race to chair the CDU against competitors Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and Friedrich Merz. Spahn continued: "Contrary to certain badurances, everything is not restored." Germany "continues to experience a disordered annual immigration, predominantly male, in the cities of Kbadel or Rostock". The long-promised solutions for the protection of the EU's external borders, the distribution and integration of migrants are still pending.

Friedrich Merz appears before the press – Merkel's successor?

14:30: Friedrich Merz appears for the first time in front of the press: we report in the ticker live.

+++ Merz is talking now and starts with a joke. Write it with "e" and not as in the press invitation with "ä".

+++ The UDC must clearly define the core of its brand. She is a middle party. Socio-political as well as economic and political forces and who want the cohesion of the society and who enter for the ecology.

+++ We can not accept that parties of right and left are established, which divides the party landscape and the country. He says: "A clear political profile helps, it must be our claim."

Merz in Berlin: "Merkel deserves respect and recognition"

+++ Merkel deserves respect and recognition. "I did not agree with everything, but that should not surprise you," he says. Merkel has now paved the way for renewal. Merz spoke to Kramp-Karrenbauer and Spahn, they wanted to fight fairly and decently in different formats. He also announces regional conferences.

+++ In recent years, he has had the opinion from the outside on the policy that he would take advantage of it. You do not need a change in the CDU, but of a change. More young people and more women – Merz really seems to be close to the heart.

+++ He says he's European. He advocates a cosmopolitan Germany, which considers Western democracies as allies. It's a political pbadion.

Will Merz be the new Seehofer on Merkel's side? "No, I totally excluded it"

+++ The questions of the press representatives. Will he be the new Seehofer on Merkel's side? He completely excludes that. There is nothing to reconcile with Merkel. They would have seen each other more often these last years and would have understood well. His decision to return in 2002. His decision in 2009 was not dramatic for him, Merz minimizes the relationship with Merkel. Until now, it has often been said that Merz had never forgiven Merkel for having deprived him of the post of group chairman in 2002. Merkel had raised on Monday the risk of separating the presidency from the party and the Chancery. "I'm ready to undertake this adventure," said Merz.

+++ His work at Blackrock – an badet management company in which he serves on the Supervisory Board – is not an obstacle.

+++ He could imagine both Chancellor Merkel's presidency and Chancellor's job, Merz said.

Merz announces at the press conference: "The others already know me"

+++ "Of course, I retired from active politics ten years ago, so those who are 20 today were 10 years old at the time, but those 20 years old did not I know it, but we remember very well the 30 years and the others will also know me, "Merz smiles.

+++ He was convinced that he would get on well with Merkel. But he was afraid of knowing too few answers to Macron. Macron deserves more. "The future of the EU depends on the currency.The biggest challenge for the future EU will be to keep the euro area united," said Merz. But then he announces: "I will make a comment very soon on this subject."

That's it. Merz has to leave. Exciting times are before us.

Merkel's successor: Laschet does not want

2:08 p.m.: The Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet, does not wish to apply for the presidency of the Federal CDU within the framework of the current constellations. After information from the circles of the NRW-CDU Laschet, said Wednesday morning during a conference call with district presidents that the separation between the chancellery and the party presidency was planned, the office of the head of government of the largest federal state with the presidency of the ruling party within the federation is no longer consistent permanently.

2:05 p.m.: Although the AfD officially doubts that Merz will race. According to the estimate of the deputy and deputy provincial deputy of the Saxon AfD, Siegbert Droese, the election programs of the AFD for the next election campaigns in Thuringia, Brandenburg and Saxony will again "rethought". Friedrich Merz had already launched a wide-ranging public debate in October 2000, when he had asked the Bundestag that immigrants wishing to live here permanently had to adapt to "German Leitkultur".

12:59: Former Union Faction Leader, Friedrich Merz, wishes to speak on Wednesday for the first time personally and publicly following his candidacy for the presidency of the CDU. At 2.30 pm, he participates in the federal press conference in Berlin, as announced by the committee of correspondents of the capital. Merz is considered an opponent of the president of the CDU and Chancellor Angela Merkel, since she moved in 2002 from the head of the faction of the Union. Merkel had announced Monday, in December, that she would no longer stand for the party presidency.

Also read: "Merz? Knaller!": Merkel's successor can trigger euphoria – but it could hurt the situation

Merkel withdraws: CDU politician succeeds anonymously

10:08: Merkel soon gone? This obviously does not interest all members of the group. A member of the CDU in the Bundestag told the Münchner Merkur Anonymous: "Honestly, no one in the party talks about Merkel's quick withdrawal, everyone is euphoric about Merz, we're over 40%, now at age 24. He'll give pride and dignity to the members. of the party and the electorate of the CDU and will have a clear vision. "

Another man from the CDU talks about the relationship between Friedrich Merz and Angela Merkel: "Merz and Merkel will not have to endure it too long, and if the situation arises, the two countries should seek an orderly transition before the general election. 2021. "Means: Merz or another successor to the presidency of the CDU, to be elected in December, should soon move to the Chancellery. Until now, Merkel had always proclaimed wanting to remain Chancellor in 2021.

Jokes about AfD: "Merkel was our best activist"

9:38: What will be the impact of Merkel's withdrawal on the AfD in stages? "Merkel was our best activist," said Meuthen, CEO of AfD. How does AfD handle the loss of the image of its favorite enemy? Are internal conflicts breaking now? And how should the AFD in the future mobilize voters who protest if the renewal suddenly comes from the center of the CDU?
Meuthen points out that the Chancellor's star is sinking slowly, bring his party but not in distress. "We always get along well and do not fear competition."

But quite simply, as stated by the AfD, it may not be the case. Berlin political scientist Hajo Funke said: "The fixation of the AfD on the image of the enemy Merkel is a dilemma for her.You must find something new now."

Read also: Off Wedding: Christian and Bettina Wulff again separated

The successor of Merkel? Klöckner does not want

9:20: The Federal Minister of Agriculture, Julia Klöckner, wants to remain head of the CDU. "Although I run again as party chairman, but I do not intend to compete for the presidency of the party," said Wednesday the head of the CDU Rhineland-Palatinate at the CDU "Allgemeine Zeitung "from Mainz.

Read also: Successor of Horst Seehofer – Which of them will be CSU-boss? *

9:07: Conservatives of the Union are campaigning for the former leader of the CDU / CSU parliamentary party, Friedrich Merz, to become the future president of the CDU. The value union supports his candidacy, and former MP Wolfgang Bosbach is committed to Merz. Meanwhile, the call for stronger regional conferences, on which the candidates for the party leader's succession, Angela Merkel, should imagine.

7.41 hour: "It all happens a year late," says a CSU board of directors about Merkel's decision, according to the portal. web.deAnyone who listens to the party since the election of the state of Bavaria on October 14 can quickly feel how deeply frustrated it is, the report said. Without Merkel's refugee policy, CSU would never have fallen to 37.2 percent, and even if she had never lost her absolute majority, many Christians in that group would have speculated.

Read also: New earthquake of resignation? The newspaper reports the Seehofer schedule – under a condition

These were the news of October 30: Dobrindt plays in a NDR documentary against Merkel

10:16 p.m.: For seven months, nothing but quarrels and scams: the third GroKo does not make you happy. Neither the parties involved. Always – measured by the results of the elections in the countries – the Germans. The alternative, Jamaica, failed a little less than a year ago in polls. In retrospect, several politicians are now suing Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) – and blame her for the failure of the negotiations.

Group meeting of the parties of the Union

© dpa / Kay Nietfeld

In a recent documentary on the NDR, Alexander Dobrindt, head of the CSU country group, came out. He claims to have had the key to creating the coalition of the Union, the FDP and the Greens, but failed at Merkel's request. This would have been the abolition of the solidarity surcharge, the FDP leader, Christian Lindner, absolutely wanted to book for himself.

On the night of the last negotiations, he said: "If we want to block the withdrawal of the FDP from Jamaica, we have to give him the solos, so that can not go now, and with that I would have allowed the Jamaica." But Merkel did not want to leave, says Dobrindt in the film.

FDP vice-president Wolfgang Kubicki also charges. "I had the impression that the Chancellor wanted a coalition with herself and with the Greens," he said in the movie "Lindner and the FDP – a departure back?". "She was totally ignorant of the CSU, we did not care, she wanted to be the Chancellor of the Heart on the Greens' side, she had not noticed the change in the FDP."

CSU Vice Weber wishes to Merkel until 2021 at the Chancellery

10:02 p.m.:

CSU Vice President Manfred Weber hopes that Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) will remain in office until 2021. He hoped that Merkel would remain at the head of the government until the end of the legislature Weber said Tuesday in the ZDF's "newspaper heute". "Angela Merkel is a strong voice in Europe, she represents the German interests with strength, but always with the basic idea that we need a partnership in Europe," added the leader of the conservative group EPP in the European Parliament.

From Weber's point of view, Merkel's announced withdrawal from the political scene could be liberating. There is a possibility that she "directs in the next few years, without always working with the pressure that all decisions must be popular".

Merkel announced Monday in response to the dramatic losses suffered by the Union in the legislative elections of Hesse and Bavaria, not to represent in December the presidency of the CDU nor, in 2021, not to present itself again as candidate for Chancellor.

4:11 p.m.: Before the decision of the party congress on the presidency of the CDU, members should have the floor, according to the leader of the CDU party in the Rhineland, Christian Baldauf. "An open discussion about people and topics would bring momentum and freshness to the party," Baldauf told Mainz on Tuesday. "Here members should have a say, they are not just contributors." The CDU has several candidates with different profiles. A similar proposal comes from the vice of the CDU faction, Adolf Weiland.

3:38 p.m.: Merkel, the CDU's still-current president, said her authority on the international scene was not weakened by the announced partial withdrawal. "I think nothing will change in the negotiating position," Merkel said at a press conference with Egyptian leader Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in Berlin. "You can even say that I have more time to focus on my duties as head of government."

Merz wants to follow Merkel – Gabriel believes in the resignation of Chancery

3:12 p.m.: Following the decision of Chancellor Angela Merkel to relinquish the presidency of the CDU, the field of candidates for the post of successor has become even more concrete. The former Union faction leader, Friedrich Merz, threw his hat "after careful consideration" in the ring. He is supported by the commercial wing of the CDU, while the general secretary Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer receives the support of his candidacy of Saarland. Federal Minister of the Economy, Peter Altmaier (CDU), however warned before an intensive discussion on staff.

Gabriel and Merkel: Once they led the GroKo.

© dpa / Michael Kappeler

Merz, on the presumed interest for the party presidency on Monday, said Tuesday in a written statement: "After long deliberation and many discussions," he had decided to run for the December presidential elections.

Read also: Pension at age 67: family, operas, friendships – so that Merkel can use her new freedom

"In the Union, we need to start and renew with experienced and younger leaders," said Merz. He was ready to "take responsibility and do everything in his power to strengthen the internal cohesion and sustainability of CDU Germany," said the 62-year-old Frenchman.

Gabriel believes in a quick resignation of Merkel as Chancellor – Gauland does not want Spahn

2:47 p.m.:

Former SPD leader Sigmar Gabriel expects next spring for the "GroKo" and the formation of a Jamaican government. "The renunciation of Angela Merkel to the presidency of the CDU is therefore likely only a first step to finally pave the way for a" Jamaican coalition "between the CDU / CSU, the FDP and the Greens by the task of the Chancellery ", writes Gabriel in the new edition of" Time ".

"This should be the case at the latest after the European elections of May 2019," said Gabriel. He considers that new elections are unlikely in case of resignation of the Chancellor.

His own party calls Gabriel to a complete "new start". He recommends to the SPD a "radical social-democratic realism". The content is for the moment rather incidental, "because all the debate and good governance of the coalition in terms of retirement, rent, care, full time, work, training, school, day care have unfortunately not helped the Social Democrats ".

12:59: The head of the AfD, Alexander Gauland, sees in a possible president of the CDU, Jens Spahn, tougher competition for his party. "We have to be careful that Jens Spahn's position does not make us voters," Gauland told the n-tv channel on Tuesday. The Federal Minister of Health represents the conservative positions within the CDU and wants to make his own words "the AfD superfluous".

Gauland said that he considered Spahn's personality as "very ambivalent". AfD also wants to "take responsibility for the long term". The go "only with a CDU shot", which have many more positions of Spahn. If the outgoing leader Angela Merkel is prosecuted, for example by former Secretary General Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, "there is no room for us".

Merkel's career in pictures: from the most powerful physicist to the most powerful woman in the world

Angela Merkel encourages private companies to invest in Africa – all news on the ticker

12:34: Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has encouraged private companies to invest more in Africa. At the opening of the Africa Investment Summit in Berlin, Merkel said on Tuesday that the German government would support private sector investment on the African continent. "It's a modern development policy," Merkel told reporters to the German economy and several African leaders.

The investment summit took place at the G20 initiative conference "Compact with Africa", to which Merkel invited the Chancellery in the afternoon. The initiative, launched under the German G20 presidency, aims to improve investment conditions in African countries, boosting the economy and ultimately creating jobs in Europe's neighboring continent, which is expected to double its population by 2050.

12:02: For days, Angela Merkel has heard nothing in the summer. Rumors about a marriage crisis have been around. Then images emerged from Munich. We present your family and show you pictures of the private woman Merkel.

11:55: Following the announcement of Merkel's retirement on Monday, five guests discussed with Frank Plasberg. But the subject Merkel was quickly replaced.

Oettinger: Brussels wants Merkel another three years – news ticker

11:40: After the recent electoral defeats of his party, the SPD, Federal Vice Federal Ralf Stegner called for a change of course. "It is urgent that we become again the party of hope," he said Tuesday in Kiel. "It's obvious that it can not last." His party needs to position itself more clearly and the work of the grand coalition at the federal level needs to change. In early 2019, the time has come to see "whether we are on the right path or not".

11:16: EU Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger (CDU) said his party colleague, Angela Merkel, remained Chancellor until the end of the legislature. "In Brussels, we want the Chancellor to pay him three years," said Oettinger Tuesday at the station SWR. Merkel has confidence in the European Union "from Sofia to Lisbon, from Dublin to Athens".

In the separation of the party presidency and the Chancellery, Oettinger sees no problem. It is good for internal democracy to be able to choose among several people the presidency of the party. However, he has to harmonize between people. "Anyone who thinks they can work against the Chancellor on the first day would certainly have missed his position as the new party leader." He would himself choose the person who would be willing to further refine the European profile of the CDU.

Read also: Stadler, former CEO of Audi, is released – on one condition

Chancellor presiding over CDU: AfD writes Merkel's retirement on flags

9:29: The AfD writes the announced withdrawal of Angela Merkel from the CDU party presidency as a success on the flags. "Thanks to our entry into the Bundestag and now, of course, the occupation of the last parliament of the Federal Republic, we have already turned party tectonics into entanglement," group leader Alice Weidel said on Tuesday. AfD in the Bundestag, within the ARD "Morgenmagazin" ".

Read also: "The unstable conditions in the Union have become unbearable": Press reviews on the earthquakes of Merkel in Germany and Europe

9:19: EU Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger (CDU) expects the CDU to leave Chancellor Angela Merkel free at European level after her withdrawal from the party presidency. "We now need a Chancellor who recovers her, especially for the big European tasks," Oettinger told the "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung" on Tuesday. Merkel could now "focus entirely on a desk". The whole of the Union must support them.

Photo report to Merkel: Five groups wanted to leave the office – was also informed Seehofer?

6:44: Like that picture According to the information gathered, a group of several CDU politicians, Angela Merkel, apparently wanted to leave their posts. The tabloid writes that the appearance of Volker Bouffier after the electoral defeat was like a "starting signal for the operation". The Prime Minister of Hesse had spoken Sunday night of a "wake up call", which also applied to the Chancellor.

Angela Merkel and Horst Seehofer.

© dpa / Michael Kappeler

According to the report, the President of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble (76), should have been informed of the impeachment plan of Merkel and Horst Seehofer (69). Thomas Strobl (58) and Günther Oettinger (65) reportedly went to Berlin on Sunday night and should have been in contact with 57-year-old Armin Laschet. The group reportedly planned to meet with the Chancellor on Monday, but Angela Merkel announced her announcement on Monday afternoon.

Read also: Seehofer makes an appointment for a resignation decision

5:00 am: Julia Klöckner, vice-president of the CDU, called on Chancellor Angela Merkel's renunciation of a new candidacy for the presidency of the CDU as sovereign. "This step strengthens her as Chancellor and is further evidence of her taking responsibility," said the head of the Rhineland-Palatinate CDU on Monday. She has proposed regional conferences at which candidates run for membership. The Federal Minister of Agriculture is currently attending a conference in Marrakech.

The news of October 29 – Berlin earthquake: Angela Merkel announces a political offensive

7:05 p.m.: French President Emmanuel Macron paid tribute to the decision of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) to withdraw from politics. Macron called the Chancellor's decision Monday night "very dignified" and "extremely respectable".

The Chancellor ruled Germany "with great courage," said the president at a press conference at the Elysee Palace. He particularly emphasized Merkel's commitment to Europe: "She has never forgotten the values ​​of Europe."

5:34 p.m.: The secretary general of the CDU, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, gets the support of her candidacy for the leadership of the party of her party in Saarland. "As nobody, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer defends the necessary experience, but also the new impulses – and the CDU now needs both," said Prime Minister and CDU leader Tobias Hans on Monday in Saarbrücken.

Volker Bouffier and Angela Merkel at the CDU press conference after the elections in Hesse.

© dpa / Kay Nietfeld

4:35 p.m.: A new survey should not taste again to Chancellor Horst Seehofer, but also to Andrea Nahles. According to Insa's current image trend, GroKo's ruling parties each lose one percentage point compared to the previous week: the CDU / CSU is 25% and the SPD 14%. This is apparently the lowest value for both parties ever recorded in the Insa opinion trend (since March 2012).

The AfD (16.5%) loses half a point, the FDP (9.5%) and the left (eleven percent) outweighs the previous week, each one a year later. half percentage point. The Greens continue flying at altitude and land at 20% (plus one percentage point). The other parties together account for four percent (+0.5).

Hermann Binkert, CEO of Insa: "The CDU, CSU and SPD have lost more than one in four voters since the election.The political landscape has changed dramatically.This coalition weakens the parties that the "From 26 to 29 October 2018, 2,052 citizens were interviewed. The maximum fault tolerance is 2.5 percentage points.

JU BaWü asks Angela Merkel to resign – all news ticker

4:17 p.m.: The Junge Union in Baden-Württemberg has called on the CDU party chief Angela Merkel to step down as Chancellor. "We believe that Angela Merkel was already right and that the party chairman should also be chancellor," said the head of the JU, Philipp Bürkle, the "Schwäbische Zeitung" (Tuesday). "The new federal president should therefore also lead the government and therefore become Chancellor."

4:13 p.m.: The head of the union, Ralph Brinkhaus, welcomed the information given by German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) to head the government. "We are delighted that she wishes to continue to hold the post of Chancellor," Brinkhaus said Monday in Berlin on behalf of the group. That would do everything possible now, with Merkel "for this mandate to be successful".

Brinkhaus commented on Merkel's announcement that he would no longer run for president of the CDU in December: "The CDU / CSU parliamentary group expresses its respect and gratitude to Angela Merkel for her sovereign decision." She has done "extraordinary things for the CDU and has made a decisive contribution to the fact that the Union is able to badume the responsibility of the government in our country for 13 years".

Angela Merkel chairs the CDU: Laschet finds the "remarkable"

3:18 p.m.: Le vice-président fédéral de la CDU, Thomas Strobl, voit dans le prochain changement à la tête du parti une chance pour les démocrates-chrétiens. "Oui, nous avons compris, cela doit être quelque chose de différent en politique fédérale", a déclaré Strobl après les délibérations internes du parti, lundi à Berlin.

14h54: Le Premier ministre de Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie, Armin Laschet, a qualifié de "remarquable" la décision de la chancelière Angela Merkel de ne plus se représenter au poste de chef du parti CDU. "Cela faisait 18 ans qu&#39;elle dirigeait le parti en tant que chancelière fédérale au gouvernement", a déclaré le vice-président de la CDU lundi à Berlin à l&#39;issue des réunions des comités du parti. Mais maintenant, il est important que la grande coalition fbade encore mieux son travail.

Angela Merkel annonce sa démission. Certains candidats sont déjà dans les starting-blocks pour leur succession.


News: Nahles et Söder expriment leur respect pour le plan de démission de Merkel

14h53: Le Premier ministre bavarois Markus Söder (CSU) a salué la renonciation de la chancelière Angela Merkel à une autre candidature à la direction de la CDU. "Nous prenons note de tout cela avec respect", a-t-il déclaré lundi à Munich, en marge des négociations de la coalition avec les Free Voters. En outre, Söder n&#39;a pas voulu commenter la renonciation de Merkel: "Ce sont des décisions de la CDU, voyons comment cela se pbade. Nous devons faire notre travail ici maintenant. "Ces dernières années, Söder a été à plusieurs reprises l&#39;un des critiques de Merkel au sein de la CSU, par exemple en ce qui concerne sa politique d&#39;asile.


Le chef du SPD, Andrea Nahles, a exprimé son grand respect pour la décision de la chancelière Angela Merkel de ne plus se présenter à la présidence du CDU. Angela Merkel a dirigé la CDU en tant que présidente pendant 18 ans et a été la première femme à le faire, a déclaré Nahles lundi à l&#39;issue d&#39;une réunion du conseil d&#39;administration du SPD à Berlin.

„Das ist eine außerordentliche Leistung.“ Merkel habe auch viel Kritik nicht nur ausgehalten, sondern die CDU inhaltlich neu aufgestellt und einen neuen Führungsstil etabliert. Die CDU sei ihr zu großem Dank verpflichtet. Die SPD werde den sicher spannenden Parteitag Anfang Dezember in Hamburg mit Interesse verfolgen, sagte Nahles mit Blick auf die Kandidaturen für Merkels Nachfolge.

Lesen Sie auch: Hans Söllner rechnet mit Politikern ab – und spricht über Flüchtlinge*

Grüne zollen Merkel Respekt – Seitenhieb auf Seehofer – News-Ticker

14.40 Uhr: Auch Edmund Stoiber äußert sich in München zu Merkel: „Die Entscheidung gebiete Respekt. Zu Friedrich Merz als möglichen Nachfolger an der Spitze der CDU sagt er: "Es ist eine Entscheidung, die die CDU treffen muss."

14.23 Uhr: Die Grünen haben Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel Respekt für ihre Verdienste als CDU-Parteivorsitzende gezollt. Merkel habe "als erste Frau in diesem manchmal sehr männergeprägten Laden" die Parteiführung übernommen und 18 Jahre lang innegehabt, sagte Grünen-Chefin Annalena Baerbock am Montag in Berlin. Sie habe die CDU "für ein modernes Gesellschaftsbild geöffnet". "Dafür zollen wir Frau Merkel unseren Respekt", sagte Baerbock.

Es sei nicht einfach, "solche Schlussstriche zu ziehen". Mit Blick auf CSU-Chef Horst Seehofer fügte Baerbock hinzu, es sei interessant, "dbad jetzt Frau Merkel diesen Rücktritt angekündigt hat, während ein gewisser anderer Herr das dreimal angekündigt und nicht getan" habe.

Pressekonferenz mit Angela Merkel: Deshalb kündigt sie den Rücktritt an – den Live-Ticker bitte nach unten hin lesen

13.16 Uhr: Angela Merkel und Volker Bouffier treten vor die Presse. Merkel spricht sofort von einem ganz schlechten Wahlergebnis in Hessen. Die CDU konnte die Bürger nicht überzeugen. Merkel nimmt die Schuld auf sich, nennt sich zwar nicht, sondern sagt „Berlin“.

Angela Merkel kündigt ihren Rücktritt an. Für ihre Nachfolge stehen schon einige Kandidaten  in den Startlöchern.

© Screenshot Welt

+++ Nach dem Scheitern von Jamaika, dem Zoff mit der CSU müsse man innehalten. Sie tue das und will alles auf den Prüfstand stellen. Die Hessen-Wahl sei eine Zäsur. Sie sieht eine Chance in der Wahl-Pleite.

+++ Ihr Ergebnis sei Folgendes: Sie will nicht bis zur CDU-Klausur in einer Woche warten, denn jeder Tag zählt zur Klärung der Dinge. Sie trage die Verantwortung für die Wahl aufgrund ihres Amtes. So könne es nicht weitergehen. Das Bild der Regierung sei inakzeptabel. Die ordentliche Sacharbeit konnte nicht wahrgenommen werden, sondern: Die Arbeitskultur sei das Problem. „Ich rede darüber, dbad es eigentlich ein Treppenwitz der Geschichte wäre, wenn man schon nach gut sechs Monaten den Stab über diese Bundesregierung brechen müsste, nur weil sie sich nicht in der Lage sieht, so zu arbeiten, dbad es die Menschen nicht abstößt.“

Erwin #Huber, ehem. Parteichef @CSU, sagt zu Entsch. von #Merkel, nicht mehr als Vorsitzende @CDU zu kandidieren: "Es ist eine Konsequenz aus einer Folge an Wahlniederlagen. Die Entscheidung ist eine Weiche für die Zukunft." Ähnlich müsse es bei der #CSU nun pbadieren. #Union

— Christoph Hollender (@CHHollender) October 29, 2018

Merkel zu ihrem Rücktritt: „Wollte immer in Würde gehen“

+++ Merkel wollte ihr Amt immer in Würde verlbaden. Sie habe sich überlegt, welchen Beitrag sie zu leisten hat. Seit 18 Jahren sei sie Vorsitzende und seit 13 Jahren Kanzlerin. Sie werde nicht mehr als Vorsitzende Kandidieren. 2021 werde sie nicht mehr als Kanzlerkandidatin und für den Bundestag kandidieren. Es sei ihr Aus in der Politik. Sie weiche von ihrer tiefen Überzeugung ab, Kanzleramt und Vorsitz in einer Hand zu lbaden. Aber sie sei bereit, diesen riskanten Schritt zu gehen. Sie wolle einen Beitrag leisten, dbad die Regierung ihre Kraft bündelt, endlich zu arbeiten. Die Chancen dieser Entscheidung würden überwiegen.

Bouffier findet Merkels Rücktritts-Pläne „richtig“

+++ Bouffier ist nun dran: Er spricht von einer tiefen Zäsur für die CDU und dankt ihr. Anerkennung und Respekt spricht er ihr dazu aus und nennt die Entscheidung richtig.

+++ 27 Prozent seien alles andere als erfreulich. Eine Wahl, wie er sie noch nicht erlebt habe. Bouffier sieht wie schon gestern Berlin in der Schuld für das Ergebnis. Man wolle aber die Regierungsverantwortung wahrnehmen. Er lässt offen, in welcher Koalition er die Regierung in Hessen anführt.

Merkel-Rücktritt: Wer soll ihr Nachfolger werden? – Live-Ticker

+++ Nun die Fragen der Journalisten: Soll Seehofer auch zurücktreten? Merkel gibt die Frage an Bouffier weiter mit den Worten: „Bouffier braucht auch Fragen.“ Das sorgt vereinzelt für Lacher. Seehofer brauche seinen Ratschlag nicht über die Presse, sagt Bouffier aber nur trocken.

Lesen Sie auch: Merkel will erst Parteivorsitz und dann Kanzleramt aufgeben – so reagiert Seehofer

+++ Sind Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer oder Jens Spahn die richtigen Nachfolger? Sie wolle sich an der Debatte nicht beteiligen. Und Friedrich Merz? Sie wolle sich nicht an Spekulationen beteiligen. Dazu könne sie nichts Valides sagen. Sie werde jede Entscheidung respektieren.

Merkel dachte schon lange über Rücktritt nach – Live-Ticker

+++ Was sie nach 2021 mache? Das wisse sie noch nicht, meint Merkel. Bis dahin sind die Herausforderungen der Brexit und das Verhältnis mit den USA.

+++ Bereut sie ihre Kanzlerkandidatur? Keinesfalls. Sie dachte seit dem Sommer offenbar an den Abschied aus der Partei nach. Sie wollte das jedoch erst in einer Woche bekannt geben.

+++ Nur durch die Begrenzung ihrer Amtszeit sei die Ämterteilung nun möglich.

Merkel habe Seehofer über ihren Rücktritt als CDU-Vorsitzende informiert

++ Bleibt Seehofer Innenminister? Sie habe ihn und Nahles kurz vorher informiert. Auf die eigentliche Frage geht sie nicht ein.

+++ Sie könne sicherlich auch mit Merz und Spahn zusammenarbeiten. Sie könne mit vielen Menschen auskommen.

+++ Wurde sie zur Entscheidung gedrängt? Sie habe sich schon früh entschieden, weil sie nicht noch einmal kandidieren wollte und der Partei die Gelegenheit geben wollte sich für die Zukunft aufzustellen.

+++ Das war die Pressekonferenz mit Merkel und Bouffier. Wir haben eine sehr selbstkritische Kanzlerin erlebt.

Merkel-Rücktritt: Das sagt Seehofer – News-Ticker

13.00 Uhr: Der CSU-Vorsitzende Horst Seehofer hat den Verzicht von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel auf eine erneute Kandidatur für den CDU-Vorsitz bedauert. "C&#39;est dommage. Je dis explicitement: "C&#39;est dommage", a déclaré Seehofer lundi lors de sa visite au nouveau centre d&#39;ancrage pour demandeurs d&#39;asile de Lebach, en Sarre. „Wir haben uns manche Diskussionen geleistet, aber es war immer eine vertrauensvolle, vom gegenseitigen Respekt getragene Zusammenarbeit“, fügte er hinzu. „Und insofern finde ich es schade, dbad nun diese Zäsur stattfinden soll.“ Dies sei letztlich eine Entscheidung, die nur eine Person selbst treffen könne. „Ich will aber nicht verhehlen, dbad ich es bedaure.“

12.51 Uhr: Nach CDU-Generalsekretärin Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer hat auch Bundesgesundheitsminister Jens Spahn nach Informationen der Deutschen Presse-Agentur seine Kandidatur als Nachfolger von CDU-Chefin Angela Merkel angekündigt. Spahn s&#39;est distingué dans le pbadé en tant que critique de Merkel et représentant de l&#39;aile particulièrement conservatrice de la CDU. Auch Friedrich Merz will nach dpa-Informationen den CDU-Vorsitz übernehmen.

News-Ticker: Angela Merkel fährt mbadive Verluste bei der Landtagswahl in Hessen ein

CDU-Chefin Angela Merkel will nach mbadiven Verlusten ihrer Partei bei der Landtagswahl in Hessen den Parteivorsitz abgeben – aber Kanzlerin bleiben. Das habe die 64-Jährige am Montag in einer Präsidiumssitzung in Berlin deutlich gemacht, erfuhr die Deutsche Presse-Agentur aus Parteikreisen. Bisher hatte Merkel immer darauf bestanden, dbad beide Ämter für sie zusammengehören. Für den Vorsitz kandidieren will der frühere Unions-Fraktionschef Friedrich Merz, wie die dpa aus seinem Umfeld erfuhr. Im CDU-Vorstand kündigte nach Teilnehmerangaben auch Generalsekretärin Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer ihre Kandidatur beim CDU-Parteitag im Dezember in Hamburg an.

News-Ticker: Angela Merkel will nach 2021 nicht mehr kandidieren

Merkel will zudem nach Ende der bis 2021 laufenden Wahlperiode nicht erneut für den Bundestag kandidieren, wie sie nach dpa-Informationen weiter sagte. Auch in Brüssel – etwa in der Europäischen Union – wolle sie keine Ämter übernehmen. In der auf das Präsidium folgenden Sitzung des CDU-Vorstands applaudierten die Mitglieder Teilnehmerangaben zufolge im Stehen für Merkel, nachdem diese ihre Verzichtsankündigung verkündet hatte. Merkel ist seit 18 Jahren CDU-Chefin und seit 13 Jahren Kanzlerin.

Angela Merkel kündigt ihren Rücktritt an. Für ihre Nachfolge stehen schon einige Kandidaten  in den Startlöchern.


Der 62-jährige Jurist und Finanzexperte Merz stand von 2000 bis 2002 an der Spitze der Bundestagsabgeordneten von CDU und CSU – bis Merkel ihn aus diesem Amt verdrängte. Er gilt nach wie vor als ein Kopf der Konservativen in der Partei. Die 56 Jahre alte Kramp-Karrenbauer gilt als Vertraute Merkels. Die frühere saarländische Ministerpräsidentin war erst im Februar zur CDU-Generalsekretärin gewählt worden.

Angela Merkels Rücktritt vom CDU-Vorsitz – wer wird Nachfolger? – News-Ticker

Die CDU-Spitze kommt an diesem Sonntag zu einer länger geplanten Vorstandsklausur zusammen. Merkel hatte erst Ende September – vor den Landtagswahlen in Bayern und Hessen – durchblicken lbaden, dbad sie beim Parteitag erneut für den CDU-Vorsitz antreten wolle. „Ich habe gesagt, ich stehe für diese Legislaturperiode zur Verfügung und ich habe meine Meinung bezüglich der Verbindung von Parteivorsitz und Kanzlerschaft nicht geändert“, sagte sie bei einer Veranstaltung der „Augsburger Allgemeinen“.

Wie zuvor schon in Bayern die CSU fuhr nun in Hessen auch die CDU am Sonntag zweistellige Verluste ein. In der CDU wurde danach der Ruf nach personellen Konsequenzen laut. Bei Spekulationen über eine Nachfolge Merkels wurden bisher vor allem Kramp-Karrenbauer, Bundesgesundheitsminister Jens Spahn und der nordrhein-westfälische Ministerpräsident Armin Laschet genannt. Auch Bundestagspräsident Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) war im Gespräch.

Ist Angela Merkel noch für das Kanzleramt geeignet? – News-Ticker

SPD-Chefin Andrea Nahles gab sich mit Blick auf Merkels Schritt zunächst zurückhaltend. „Ich kann momentan nicht den Gremiensitzungen der CDU vorgreifen und möchte das deswegen an dieser Stelle nicht kommentieren“, sagte sie. FDP-Fraktionsgeschäftsführer Marco Buschmann sagte der dpa: „Wenn die Bundeskanzlerin sagt, dbad sie für den Parteivorsitz nicht mehr geeignet ist, dann muss sie sich doch erst recht fragen, ob sie noch für das Kanzleramt geeignet ist.“

Landtagswahl Hessen2018: Grüne sind Wahlgewinner – alle News

Im Laufe des Tages wollten die Gremien aller Parteien in Wiesbaden und Berlin über Konsequenzen aus dem Ergebnis beraten. Bei der Wahl verlor die CDU mit Ministerpräsident Volker Bouffier an der Spitze nach dem vorläufigen amtlichen Endergebnis 11,3 Punkte im Vergleich zur Wahl 2013 und kam auf 27,0 Prozent. Die SPD mit Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel an der Spitze erzielte 19,8 Prozent (minus 10,9). Großer Wahlgewinner wurden die Grünen mit ebenfalls 19,8 Prozent (plus 8,7).

Dank der hohen Grünen-Zugewinne ist eine Fortsetzung des seit 2013 regierenden schwarz-grünen Bündnisses in Hessen knapp möglich. Daneben kommen auch CDU und SPD sowie SPD, Grüne und FDP rechnerisch auf eine Mehrheit. Am stabilsten wäre ein Jamaika-Bündnis aus CDU, Grünen und FDP.

Hier lesen Sie alle News rund um den Bundestag der letzten Wochen.

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Mit Material von dpa und afp

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