Anti-violence summit next Tuesday | Tiroler Tageszeitung Online – News now!


Vienna (APA) – The "Summit on Network Accountability and Prevention of Violence", announced by the government in late October, will take place next Tuesday at the Federal Chancellery. The government wants to discuss with experts and stakeholders possible measures against violence and hatred – especially against women – in the network.

In the digital world, the same principles should apply as in the real world. The Internet can not and should not be an area without law. "I consider the joint summit with experts and victims as the starting point for a broad debate, which should lead to concrete measures against uncontrolled attacks in the network and physical violence against women ", said Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) in advance.

Vice-Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache (FPÖ) strives to find the right balance between freedom and protection: "Women are not fair games, whether in real life or on the net. It is not and should not be a space without laws where the usual behavior of our society no longer applies.There must be a protection against attacks, but the control of the trends of the state does not should not have a place in a free society. "

In addition to Kurz and Strache, Minister for the Status of Women Juliane Bogner-Strauß, Media Minister Gernot Blümel (both from ÖVP) and media expert Christoph Völk, the journalist and author Ingrid Brodnig, Lawyer and Professor of Public Law at Johannes Kepler University (JKU), Linz Barbara Leitl-Staudinger, Verena Fabris, Director of the Center for Counseling on Extremism, Radio Presenter Elke Rock and television presenters Verena Schneider and Corinna Milborn.

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