Apprentice detainee arrested in Pakistan – Vorarlberg


Food apprentice Qamar Abbas, 26, has been in detention since October 12 and was deported to Pakistan this weekend. Until then, he had lived in Lustenau (Vorarlberg). Now, there is a dramatic twist.


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Attorney Stefan Harg at "ORF Vorarlberg": "We learned through the intermediary of a contact person in Pakistan that Mr Abbas had been arrested after landing in Karachi."

It is unclear whether there is a cessation of control of papers or arrest, as well as of the attorney. "All we know is that he landed on Sunday and that he has since been detained by the authorities, which is why we can not say it for the day." moment."

You are in contact with a private person on site and you are also trying to contact other people to find out what exactly happened and how you can help Abbas.

Critic acerb

The deportation had caused a lot of criticism. ÖGB President Norbert Loacker had a conversation with "Today" talked about "Nazi methods".

President Alexander Van der Bellen should have even asked the Ministry of the Interior to re-examine the case – "Today" reported.

In early September, police tried to arrest Abbas at his workplace in Blauen Platz, Lustenau. At that time, the Pakistanis were submerged. The apprentice is well integrated into a Vorarlberg family, said the owner, Marcel Lerch. "No one likes to run away, but Pakistan is dangerous, I was worried about my life," Abbas said.

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