Archaeologists have discovered an ancient shrine with gods "


Excavation site located on a hill on the outskirts of Lienz – Hundreds of deities unearthed

13:47, 22 July 2018

Archaeologists from the University of Innsbruck have unearthed a shrine dating back about 2,000 years during excavations in Lienz. The archaeological site is located on a hill on the outskirts of Lienz, the so-called "Frauenkloster Bühel", reported the ORF Tirol Sunday. Its first bloom, it may have already known in the 1st century BC

All indications, however, that the cult was also exploited after the Roman conquest, in 16 BC, it was said. At least, archaeologists had found no evidence of interruption. There are many indications that they quickly got along with the Romans and their new gods.

The sanctuary was surrounded by a wall several hundred meters long, 80 centimeters thick and more than two meters high. In addition, according to the ORF, hundreds of deities have been searched. The very many small votive statuettes made of lead-tin alloy represent almost all the ancient world gods of godfather Jupiter, his wife Juno on the Minerva, mercantile Mercury, the goddess of love Venus, Mars the god of war to victorious goddess Victoria. Most of the statuettes date from the first century after the conquest, and then their number decreases. There are also many coins that have been deposited here as an offering.

In addition, archaeologists under the direction of Gerald Grabherr found in the sanctuary on the foundations of a temple. The temple itself may have been built of wood. There is much to suggest that the Sanctuary with a view to the Roman city of Aguntum was more popular and used by ordinary people.

According to the ORF, excavations will last until early August. The sanctuary was discovered by the amateur archaeologist Leisacher, Josef Kalser, who made several discoveries on the site and reported his findings to the University of Innsbruck and the Federal Monuments Office, paving the way for professional excavations

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