Attackers in Vienna-Leopoldstadt attacked: 24 years in detention


On Thursday, a 24-year-old man attacked several pbaders-by in Vienna, including people of Jewish faith. Now U-Haft has been imposed on the man.

This was announced by Nina Prosecutor Nina Bussek of APA. The case sparked discussions as the Jewish victims were Jewish. The prosecution has not been able to confirm that the attacks were motivated by anti-Semitism.

On Wednesday he has already attacked a pbaderby

He is under investigation for dangerous threats and grievous bodily harm. The first attack with a slight injury, the man already committed Wednesday. There was no antisemitic context here. On Thursday attacked the man apparently mentally disabled first of a 37-year-old woman, then a Kippa carrier. An expert in psychiatry was commissioned to investigate the man

ICF badumes the anti-Semitic badault

Meanwhile, Oskar Deutsch, president of the Jewish community (ICJ), has again talked to several daily newspapers about an antisemitic attack. "It was a pure anti-Semitism and a general insecurity within the community," said the German in the "Kronen Zeitung". The man was targeted in front of a kosher restaurant on people wearing a kippah. "We can not stand this and everyone in Austria is asked to make it clear that attacks on Jews are absolutely forbidden."

Antisemitic incidents have recently increased in Austria in general. For this reason, Deutsch in the "Kleine Zeitung" called for a debate on mistakes and solutions in the integration policy. "For a long time, the center's parties have only looked at it.We must discuss Muslim anti-Semitism as well as right-wing extremists.The demonization of Israel, in all circles, but especially among the left, is a problem because it is nothing but anti-Semitism, which stands as "politically correct," said the German. "It is important that the policy states that attacks against Jews or even Muslims will not be tolerated, "said the ICG president in the daily" Österreich "

(APA / Red)

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