Austria does not accept refugees by boat «


Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) on Tuesday refused his Italian counterpart Giuseppe Conte, in a letter to the Austrian news agency, that he wanted to include some of the 450 newly arrived boat Italy. After rescuing migrants on Saturday, Conte called on all European leaders to "send a clear signal" for burden-sharing in the EU.

The Italian Prime Minister demanded that member countries be willing to participate in the Mediterranean. to rescue those rescued. Kurz pointed out in his reply that Austria has already "accepted more than 150,000 asylum applications since 2015, one of the highest levels of migration solidarity of the EU in terms of population, so that many other member states have received very few asylum seekers, "said the chancellor, adding:" Austria will therefore not participate in any further redistribution. "

Germany, Spain, Portugal, Malta and France have all agreed to accept 50 sailors from Italy. Another 20 migrants should be accepted by Ireland. According to Eurostat, Germany, Austria and Sweden have recognized the highest number of asylum seekers each year last year

. Kurz reiterated in his response the urgency of setting up effective management of external borders and supporting host countries such as Italy. In addition to an increase in short film staff required short of the mandate of the EU Border Protection Authority Frontex to develop so that "a landing of migrants, even outside of the EU is possible "and not only in Italy. "In addition, Frontex must be allowed to work more closely with third countries, such as the repatriation of migrants," says the letter.

In short, Tales called for progress on the establishment of controversial migration platforms. The EU and called for the revision of the Dublin Regulation and for "effective measures against secondary movements" other urgent tasks. He also announced a meeting with the Italian Prime Minister

Refugees in Sicily

Monday, the last of about 450 migrants who had left on a fishing boat in Libya and were rescued Saturday by Frontex from precarious position, arrived in the Sicilian port city of Pozzallo. The prosecutor of the Sicilian city of Ragusa began investigating the captain of the fishing vessel, arrested in 2004 for smuggling, and on ten crew members. Among other things, they are accused of the death of four of the thirty migrants who jumped to the sea Friday against Frontex ships that they wanted to embark and drowned. For the crossing, the migrants had paid up to 10,000 euros.


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