Autolenker started the trucks «


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A traffic accident occurred Wednesday on the Südautobahn near Griffen. A Thal man in Styria drove his car to a truck. The driver and his wife were injured.

19:22, 11 July 2018

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  The Two Styrians wounded were ins LKH Wolfsberg admitted (Symbolfoto)
The two wounded Styrians were taken away to LKH Wolfsberg (Symbolfoto) © Kleine Zeitung / Fuchs

Secretsleeping is likely to be the cause of a traffic accident that took place on Wednesday in Südautobahn (A 2) at Griffen in Carinthia. A 54 year old man from Thal in Styria traveled there in the afternoon with his car. In the community area, he came by car from the fast lane right onto the first lane and drove there on a truck behind. The driver of the car and the pbadenger, his 51-year-old wife, were slightly injured. The car was a total loss. The wounded were taken to the rescue at LKH Wolfsberg.

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