AUVA savings paper causes excitement «


An internal AUVA savings paper, which also includes hospital closures, made a lot of noise on Sunday. The company committee, the union and the SPÖ quickly drew on Social Affairs Minister Beate Hartinger-Klein (FPÖ). This in turn guarantees that he would not agree with closures or performance restrictions.

In this context, the government expects an economy of about one billion on accident insurance. If AUVA does not handle this, it should be dissolved and its tasks transferred to other funds. There should be a savings plan by the end of August

Internal considerations are set Sunday to the public via "Kronen Zeitung". From this, AUVA wants to save 486 million in the next ten years, almost the amount that the government wants. In addition to various other points, hospital closures should also be used for this purpose. One of the plans is to transfer the services of the accident hospital from Kalwang in Styria to Graz or Bruck / Mur. The Viennese Lorenz-Böhler-Spital is to be combined with the Reha-Zentraum Weißer Hof in Klosterneuburg at the Meidling Center

The indignation about it was soon to come. The AUVA Central Enterprise Committee, Erik Lenz, sees the catalog of measures as a "paper of dissolution" and does not understand why one wants to describe and ruin an organization as effective and efficient in public as negatively . GPA boss Barbara Teiber said the Social Affairs Minister had deliberately tolerated degradations such as hospital closures, privatizations and job cuts in order to satisfy the boss's donors. ÖVP, Sebastian Kurz. SP spokeswoman Pamela Rendi-Wagner has even said that rumors have it that the health of the Austrians is under attack.

AUVA wanted to be rebadured. There is no complete concept yet, considerations are made in all possible directions. In August, there will be a document that will be approved by the Council and submitted to the government. But it is clear that this will not come to the announced privatization. Only the creation of a limited liability company for management would be considered, but it would be 100% under the control of accident insurance.

Social Affairs Minister Hartinger pointed out that she did not even know the paper. However, they refused hospitalization and performance restrictions and these would not come to them, they gave an badurance of inventory for the facilities of the AUVA of

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