AVL, Volleyball – VCA: Clear victory and four award-winning match points



The spell is broken. After three defeats, the Carinthian Amstettner was finally allowed to celebrate the victory of his first season. "The victory went very well now, you can judge by the reactions and faces after the match," said coach Jan Schmidt.

The signs were not necessarily good this time either, as Schmidt had to improvise even before the start of the match because of an injury from striker diagonal Cameron Branch. Arthur Darmois took the position unknown to him, delivered a great match and chose with 19 points to Amstettner's top scorer. Niklas Etlinger replaced the French during the outdoor attack and also did his job very well.

Diagonal attacker failed with injury

The Mostviertler had to work hard at the counters on Friday night, as the Klagenfurt home team called the VCA from the start. In the end, the best team prevailed. "We certainly still have things to improve, the first few meters are now retracted, it's good for the atmosphere in the team," Schmidt said.


The day after the Klagenfurt match, a more difficult opponent was waiting for Amstettner with Graz. "We have nothing to lose and can play freely with the ease of the first win on the outside," said coach Jan Schmidt before the match in the Graz Bluebox.

Her team also took part in the game, although, again, she had to go without diagonal striker Cameron Branch. "Of course, that's a big drawback for us." By now, he was our top scorer and he would certainly have placed the Grazer ahead of tough tasks, "said sports director Micha Henschke. In the middle of the first set, the referees team brought Amstettner a bit off the line. Graz then turned the phrase and also decided the second round for themselves.

0: 2-Satzrückstand always composed

After the 0: 2 recoil, the VCA players became more stable and shortened to 1: 2. "My boys really proved their character, even though we did not solve the hypothesis optimally. we were able to read their attacks better and better, and in the block we were very good, "said coach Jan Schmidt together.

The Graz took a good start in the fourth round, but the VCA fought back early in the match after an early deficit and tied. In the last set, which went side by side, the guests won four match points but could not use them. The catch-up has remained unrewarded.

"After covering 0: 2, it's of course a winning point for us in the first view.In the decision block but we probably left a counter.The weekend is still very positive for us. team has now taken the right path and we look forward to the next tasks, "said sports director Henschke.

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