MISTELBACH (Lower Austria): In the afternoon of 16.07.2018, a storm erupted around Mistelbach. The volunteer firefighter Mistelbach was alarmed because of the large amounts of rain at several storm surges and Auspumparbeiten.
Particularly affected was the south of the city and the KG Lanzendorf. Due to the large number of missions that had to be managed at the same time, the Lanzendorf, Ebendorf and Paasdorf fire stations were alerted. The longest pumping operations took place on the parking lot of a street supermarket Josef Dunkl Strbade, where the water was knee high and threatened to flood an adjacent residential complex. After about 6 hours of continuous use, the Mistelbach Volunteer Fire Department was able to re-engage and start cleaning the equipment, which was extremely dirty due to its mbadive use. This cleaning will continue in the night. "We especially want to thank the BILLA company and its district director, Martin Marisch, who provided food to the special forces during the mission," said the fire brigade.
Freiw. Fire Brigade Mistelbach

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