Bange hours in Carinthia and East Tyrol «


In Möllbrücke, a rampart was built
In Möllbrücke, a rampart was built © KLZ / Camilla Kleinsbader

Carinthia is preparing for one of the worst floods that has ever threatened the country. According to expert calculations, the situation on the Drau River, especially on Tuesday night, is critical. The extent of flooding can not be calculated accurately on any computer model. It is certain that Lavamünd, but also Oberdrauburg, Sachsenburg, Steinfeld, Lurnfeld and Möllbrücke will be affected.

In addition, a Föhnsturm sweeping the country – gusts can reach 130 km / h, partly because of the force of a hurricane. Emergency services ask the public for special caution!

The day in review:

23:50 – the crane was taken away

On the construction site of the Gail power plant at Schütt near Arnoldstein, a crane was washed away by water plans. He is now heading towards Villach and threatens to damage bridges en route. Depending on the fire department, recovery, if any, should be considered in the morning.

23:35 – Other bridges are blocked

The Gail bridges at Postran, Egg, Dellach / Hermagor and the Wieltschnigbrücke east of Vorderberg had to be closed, in accordance with the district fire brigade's command, Hermagor.

23.20 – Power failure in the treatment plant

Emergency in the purification station Zellach (municipality of St. Gertraud). Due to the storm, the power failed. The Frantschach fire department is disengaged with an emergency generator to ensure operation again.

23:10 – emergency beds for commuters in Lienz

Due to the roadblocks in the different valleys of the district, the municipality of Lienz has set up a small camp with 15 emergency beds for the night of Tuesday.

People and commuters who have been cut on the way back can contact the right person at 04852 – 600 600.

23:05 – evacuations in East Tyrol

It took 37 people at home in the community of East Tyrol, Assling, because of the threat they faced. 35 of them could be hosted by acquaintances and relatives. In the district of Thal, a ban on drinking water was issued.

10:45 pm – forced colleagues to work at night

The tireless commitment of our colleagues Michaela Ruggenthaler and Michael Egger in the regional office of Eastern Tyrol today (inevitably), there is no end. Both have been in their last job and have to spend the night in the newsroom because of the many roadblocks. The small headquarters in Klagenfurt want a lot of fun.

Michaela Ruggenthaler and Michael Egger spend the night in the office Photo © Self-timer 😉

22h30 – new blocked road

Technical application currently for FF Kerschdorf / Velden. A tree could not stand the strong wind and crashed on the Köstenberger Landesstraße.

22h23 – Flattach and Obervellach

Next civil defense alarm. This time in Flattach and Obervellach. The wind has reached the strength of a hurricane. It is planned to Stromaufällen.

9:50 pm – Gail's bridge was to be blocked

The Gailbridge between Feistritz and Nötsch had to be completely closed due to heavy rainfall.

9:45 pm – the storm reached the Klagenfurt country

Meanwhile, the storm has also reached Klagenfurt-Land. The firefighters Krumpendorf, Moosburg, Bärndorf-Stallhofen, Schiefling, Techelweg, Töschling, Techelsberg, Pritschitz and Pörtschach are in action. Trees fell on houses as well as on state and federal highways. The southern highway had been moved into the Pörtschach tree area.

9:15 pm – Thousands of households without electricity

At present, several thousand households in Carinthia are without electricity. The people concerned are Mölltal, Haut Drautal, Lesachtal, Gailtal, Rosental and Lavanttal, as well as Kelag's spokesperson. Josef Stocker ad.

9:05 pm – new civil defense warning due to a storm

For Upper Drautal and Upper Mölltal, a civil protection warning has been issued. The reason is the hurricane-like Föhnsturm, which can reach 120 km / h, causing damage such as fallen trees and twisted power lines. The population is encouraged because of the widespread presence of Föhnsturms, sometimes under the effect of hurricane in apartments and houses. Emergency personnel also request that the radio and television be turned on.

9:02 pm – landed by car in the flood

For unknown reasons, a 93-year-old Heinfels (East Tyrol) motorist came out of the meadow in pouring rain, softened the floor and was not paved and hit his car in the bed of the Gärberbach water course. According to the police, a witness was able to detect the lights of the car in the stream several hundred meters away and set off the emergency chain. The man was injured.

21h – Vehicle struck by a tree

Currently, many fire departments in Hermagor District are in flood and stormy weather. The threatened bridges over the Gail River are controlled and monitored in the agglomerations. In Lesachtal, a vehicle was hit by a falling tree. The trapped person could be saved by the forces.

In Frantschach, a fallen tree blocked a road.

20:24 – The situation in Möllbrücke is deteriorating

In Möllbrücke, the armed forces predict Tuesday a flood of one hundred years at night. A rampart has been erected to stop it, but it is doubtful.


75 soldiers helped the Möllbrücke fire brigade to reinforce the protection wall with sandbags, but by 7.30 pm nearly 270 cubic meters of water per second rushed into the village. District Captain Klaus Brandner said in the evening at the Carinthia ORF that he was not expecting the wall to hold. The population was asked to avoid as much as possible the cellars and the ground floor.

Videos of Möllbrücke

8:05 pm – traffic stops

Against 19 hours in addition to the operation of the railway had the traffic
Postbuses in East Tyrol are largely abandoned. For safety reasons, all rail replacement services can not work at the moment.

7:55 pm – Drau spans the shoreline

As firefighters have learned, the Drava in the Rosegg area has spilled over into several places.

7.45 pm – fear in Lavamünd

As part of a coordination with the official crisis bars, new measures have been put in place by the badociation for the protection of lava mud. With an increase in the flood wave in the lower Drava, we can expect the second half of the night. The natural peak of runoff is expected early in the morning, the composite using the minimized Edling reservoir (Völkermarkter reservoir) as a buffer to limit leachate to Lavamünd. "With this measure, power plants can help minimize damage to Lavmünd." it says in a composite press release.

Flood protection is Photo © KK / Pölz

7:30 pm – Threat of evacuations

According to the district fire chief, it is located in the Upper Mölltal, between the municipalities of Obervellach and Rangersdorf Brenzlig: "We are constantly coming from the Upper Mölltal." We are currently reviewing the situation. to occur."

19h15: the dam has to be reinforced

According to the country's civil protection officer, Markus Hudobnikthe situation in Möllbrücke is likely to be the worst. It is currently hoped that the flow of the Möll will not exceed 600 cubic meters per second. "Then no house should be damaged," says Hudobnik. In Sachsenburg, a dam had to be reinforced in the meantime in order to withstand water mbades.

7 pm – First basements and flooded streets

The first streets are flooded in the area of ​​Chinowitsch, in the district of the town of Villach. The fire department is busy with the cleaning. In addition, the sports field Maria Gail is observed. Once again, the floods are threatening. The first flooded cellars are reported to Drobollach and Fellach. Once again, firefighters are used.

La Gail near Villach Photo © KK / Helga Lux

18:30 – no more roadblocks

Due to flooding, the Baldramsdorfer Road (L5) must also be blocked in Rosenheim. In East Tyrol, it is also intended for disabled people, in addition to locks already known.

Flood protection in Baldramsdorf. The place is now only accessible via Spittal Photo © Kleinsbader

18:00 – Lesachtal is cut

As of 18.00, gale force winds are forecast for Carinthia. In three hours it should arrive at the first flood. Crisis teams are already meeting in affected communities. Mayor of Lesachtaler Johann Windbichler and firefighters in the valley are getting ready for a busy night. Throughout the municipality there is constantly Murenabgängen, the Gail leads floods. Windbichler: "There is a mood of disaster, the valley is cut off." The municipality is neither Carinthia nor accessible East Tyrol.

In Spittal, the project team works 24 hours a day. Currently, the most sensitive cities are Sachsenburg and Möllbrücke.

17:00 – Other power outages possible

The inhabitants of the regions of Drautal, Lurnfeld, Mölltal, Spittal and its surroundings must expect further power outages. KNG-Kärnten Netz GmbH is preparing for the planned flooding of transformer stations. Replenishment can only be done when the water level has dropped and the station has been cleaned.

16.45 – Bad weather warning for all Carinthia

According to the current warning, heavy rains, hail, storms and high winds can today not only in the affected areas up to now, but also throughout Carinthia and in the East Tyrol. Power outages are imminent!

Photo © AWÖ

4.30 pm – 200 soldiers are ready

200 soldiers are ready for a possible deployment of badistance to the federal army because of the current weather conditions in East Tyrol. "We made all the necessary preparations in case of flood or storm," said the governor Günther Platter,

16:10 – New forecasts

According to current forecasts, the Drava is expected to overflow from 21:00 to 22:00 and reach a flow of 1,600 cubic meters per second. 1900 cubic meters are expected from midnight. The peak is expected at 3 o'clock in the morning, or 2,100 cubic meters.

16:00 – 65 people are evacuated

According to the province of Carinthia, an evacuation would take place to the so-called Drauspitz Lavamünd. 65 people are affected. According to District Captain Fejan, alternative neighborhoods are available.

3.50 pm – Civil defense alarm in Lavamünd

A few minutes ago, a civil protection alarm was triggered in the municipality of Lavamünd. In the near future, there will be power outages in the center with short power outages. The community calls residents to follow the instructions of the emergency services. The flood warning stays upright. The village center Lavamünd should be avoided.


3:30 pm – Thousands of sandbags filled

The crisis team also met in Villach. Thousands of sandbags have been filled and can be placed in vulnerable places. "We are coming out of a flood of 30 years," said the mayor Günther AlbelGlitpflich Villach should stick to the current knowledge of gusts of wind.

14:35 – Storm warning!

It applies the highest level of alert in the event of a storm in the districts of Hermagor, Spittal, parts of the country of Villach and Klagenfurt and Völkermarkt. According to Zamg, wind speeds of up to 120 km / h are possible, and 140 km / h in the mountains. Warning: the Föhnsturm can be disrupted by traffic and power outages! In district captain calls Klagenfurt-Land Johannes Leitner to the people: "Stay at home!"

Zamg "data-src =" "clbad =" lazyload
© Zamg

14:07: landslide: B 111 locked

In the municipality of Kötschach / Mauthen, Route 111 in Gailtal was to be closed. A Mure blocked the road between Kötschach and Strajach.


13:55 – Rail Traffic Game

For security reasons, ÖBB will stop rail service in the Drau Valley between the Spittal / Millstätter See and Lienz stations. "There will be a rail replacement service with buses between Spittal and Lienz," spokesman Christoph Posch said. Trains should run Tuesday from 10 am "In collaboration with the competent district administrative authorities, the situation is constantly monitored and the appropriate measures are coordinated," Posch said.

1:20 pm – maximum reduction

The Völkermarkter reservoir near Edling has now been lowered by 4.5 meters. "It's the technical maximum," says Robert Zechner, Spokesman for the badociation. Yesterday, one of them had targeted four meters.

In the Villach area, the flow velocity of the Drava is currently increased because of the open locks. The flow is currently 600 cubic meters of water per second, the Gail 370 seconds cubic meters.



1:15 pm – New crisis meeting

At 14.00, the National Crisis Staff expects new forecasts from the meteorologists and the Hydrographic Service and will meet again later to coordinate the measures, said Markus Hudobnik from the Landwehrwehrverband. "We are well prepared," promises Landesrat Civil Protection Officer Daniel Fellner"We can also call on staff beyond the borders of federal states." Commander of the State Fire Brigade Rudolf Robin "All fire brigades in the country are prepared for emergencies and the dams of the unaffected districts of Feldkirchen and St. Veit will support operations at Lavamünd and Ferlach."


1:10 pm – The federal army is alerted

Since Sunday evening, 100 soldiers of the Villach pioneer train are on alert, 30 other soldiers are waiting for their use after the arrival of the Föhnstürme and damage planned for the buildings. "In case of emergency, we can also lead pioneers from other states in Carinthia", says the military commander Walter Gitschthaler,

13:03 – already 56 missions

Until noon, there were 56 fire brigades and 62 fire brigades.

13h – People should stay at home

The planned for the evening Föhnsturm occupied mainly the authorities of the district of Klagenfurt-Land. Bezirkshauptmann Johannes Leitner calls on the population "to avoid unnecessary car travel between 18:00 and midnight". The Red Cross is more ready.

12:55 – Useful rain break

At the meeting of the crisis staff dismissed Johannes Moser The country's hydrographic office said that last night's rainfall had had a positive impact on flood development: "Water levels have temporarily halved, leaving rivers of the place for new levels d & # 39; flooding. "

According to forecasts, Oberdrauburg is heading for a 30-year flood. But it still depends on the precipitation behavior in East Tyrol and the water level of Isel. Even with the Möll is a 30-year flood, Villach will be much weaker. In the regions of Sachsenburg and Möllbrücke, the dams are under construction. Floods are always likely.


On the construction site of the Arnoldstein power station, the forces are fighting against driftwood. The floods seem just as inevitable here as in Finkenstein and Velden. Any evacuation will be decided later.

The Gail, Möll and Oberer Drau runoff peaks are estimated at 1800 to 1900 cubic meters per second. In Lavamünd, we expect about 2,000 cubic meters, but the fluctuation range is minus 200 cubic meters. Here, peak water levels are expected around midnight.

12:35 – Forecasts have improved

Where the forecasts for Lavamünd were worse. At noon, "only" still speaks of just under 2,000 cubic meters of liters per second. Nevertheless, there will be floods. "From 1,400 cubic meters of water per second, the floods in Lavamünd", declares Georg Fejan, Wolfsberg District Captain. Thousands of sandbags protect the buildings and we see around 14 hours if the fire department needs to secure more buildings if the forecasts are updated. "

12h30 – School holidays in East Tyrol

Starting today, Monday noon, it is also called without school in all of East Tyrol. "This precautionary measure recommended by the Department of Education of the State of Tyrol and the District Operational Directorate is suppressed due to weather forecasts". Thus, the afternoon clbades are canceled in East Tyrol today. Tomorrow Tuesday was also declared without school.

12.15 pm – Complain of the spectators

Unfortunately, at the meeting of the National Coordinating Committee, a problem more and more discontenting the badistants. The forces complained that the spectators are hindering them at work. The district captain of Völkermarkter Gert-Andre Klösch warns against searching for war relics in the lower zone of the tanks with probes. All humans must avoid these areas. "

A problem also concerns children playing on the shores of the tanks. "The danger is underestimated," warn the emergency services and urge parents to keep their children away from the tanks.

12:03 – Schools remain closed

One of the first results: schools Völkermarkt district will be closed on Tuesday. Earlier in the morning, it was reported that students in the Spittal and Ferlach districts had no school. The children's gardens are too. For St. Margaret, Feistritz and Zell, no decision has yet been made as to the closure of schools here too.

11:45 – start of the crisis session

For a few minutes, the State Coordination Committee meets again in the atrium of the Landesfeuerwehrzentrum in Klagenfurt. Experts appreciate with civil protection officers Daniel Fellner the current situation. The interest of the media is great.

Press conference of the crisis team Photo © KLZ / Oberlechner

10:33 am – Motorway blocked

Heavy rains increase the risk of flooding, which could also affect the Drautal Highway. The police therefore decided to block the B 100 in the afternoon. Affected is the road between Möllbrücke and the border with East Tyrol. The lock starts at 14 o'clock. But only transit traffic, mainly heavy traffic, is affected. Residents can continue to use the B 100. Transit traffic is diverted by the Mölltal Federal Road, B 106.

10:15 am – preparations at Lavamünd

Lavamünd is traditionally at risk during a flood of the Drava. No wonder the preparations have been going on for days. The mayor was Monday morning Josef Ruthardt With cautious optimism, it is not as bad as we feared. With the highest level of water he waits for the night of Tuesday. It does not exclude evacuations. This is a decision in the day.

At the same time, firefighters Lavamünd, St. Paul, Granitzal, Wolfsberg, Reideben, St. Michael, St. Marino, St. Margarethen, Fischering, Schönweg and Eitweg were alerted to the Lavamünd flood. Emergency services put in place new protection measures against impending floods.

9:33 – free school

After a meeting of the community crisis cell, the municipality of Ferlach, in consultation with the sub-department of Civil Protection of the Land of Carinthia, decided to release the school of tomorrow, Tuesday, for the following year. of the municipality of Ferlach. On behalf of the Spittal / Drau District Commission, it was announced that all compulsory schools in the district would be closed until Wednesday, October 31st.

Governor Schulreferent, Peter Kaiser, announced today that all schools, kindergartens and crèches in Ferlach were already informed of this measure that morning. "The protection and safety of the population, especially children, is the number one priority given the expected weather conditions."

Civil Protection Officer, LR Daniel Fellner, announced that relevant information would also be sent via the community's home page, Facebook, the state press service and the ORF Carinthia.

9:20 am – primary school evacuated

The Molzbichl Primary School is located in the immediate vicinity of the Drava River. For security reasons, parents were asked to bring their children home. Because the level of the Drava is rising.

Parents pick up children at Molzbichl primary school Photo © Adalbert Rieder

An acute danger did not exist.

9:10 – Precipitation

Huge amounts of rainfall have already been measured in Upper Carinthia until Monday morning. In detail:

Kötschach: 318 liters / square meter
Plöckenpbad: 436 liters
Oberdrauburg; 211 liters
Mallnitz: 141 liters
Nbadfeld: 289 liters
Lienz: 122 liters

And how much is added? "We expect 100 to 150 liters per square meter in Upper Carinthia and East Tyrol," Rainer said. "In the Carnic Alps, it can even reach 200 liters."

In Sachsenburg, firefighters call in volunteers to help fill sandbags and feed the emergency services.


Sachsenburg Firefighter Commander Herbert Haas © Kleine Zeitung

8.24 hour – Current weather forecast

"In Upper Carinthia and East Tyrol, it's raining again," says Paul Rainer of the Central Institute of Meteorology and Geodynamics. "At first the rains are still moderate, but they intensify rapidly, especially in the afternoon with very intense rainfall."

What worries the meteorologist is the stormy wind. "The Südföhn will be very heavy Monday again in the afternoon," warns Rainer. "The strongest bursts I expect for the first half of the night, which are again wind forces of up to 120 or 130 km / h." And this time, it should not be limited to the region of Ferlach, feared the meteorologist. "Even in Klagenfurt, gusts up to 100 km / h are possible."

When is the rain finally over? "Tuesday after midnight, we expect a significant slowdown," said Rainer. However, it could rain in the west all Tuesday. "But there's not so much going on together," says Rainer. More importantly, Tuesday, the snowfall limit drops to 1500 meters. "It brings relief," promises the meteorologist. "And Tuesday night, he should finally be dry."



Fortunately, the night of Monday was calm, the inhabitants of Upper Carinthia and East Tyrol could breathe easily. Even the rain was weakening. But unfortunately only temporarily. Early in the morning, heavy rains fall on the west of the country and on the main ridge of the Alps. Up to 150 liters per square meter are possible until Tuesday! And that in addition to the enormous rainfall already fallen.

Bad weather but not enough: Monday also refreshes the hair dryer. Gale force gusts can not be excluded.

Mission plans for Eastern Tyrol

Even in East Tyrol, after a quieter night, they are preparing for Monday, which could become critical in some areas. He threatens continuous rain. "Working groups are sensitized." Local operations officers are closely monitoring the situation and can be activated at any time if necessary, "says district manager Olga Reisner and turns to the East Tyrolese: "If anyone notices a worsening of the situation, please contact the police, who is directly linked to the district headquarters and its newspaper.

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