Bathing accident: the man was under the water for half an hour


Bathing accident: the man was under water for half an hour

ANDAU. A 26-year-old Burgenlander did not reappear Sunday night after a jump from the diving platform in the Andau swimming lake (Neusiedl am See), up to twelve meters deep and more than half an hour under water, according to the Burgenland Land Security Central

. Image: Volker Weihbold

The man was revived and airlifted to the hospital, it was announced today, Monday, by the LSZ. The alarm arrived shortly after 19 hours. The Neusiedl am See District Fire Department announced that bystanders had notified the emergency services after the man had no longer surfaced and searched unsuccessfully at the same time as the service. fire department of the Burgenland fire department was alarmed. from the entire Burgenland as well as the Mattersburg dive service vehicle directing the place of employment he was called in a transmission. "Fortunately, the fire department diver was so fast on the spot and had his own private diving gear, so the man could be located and saved about nine meters deep during the first dive," said Peter Kroiss. , spokesman of the firefighters command. APA. On the shore, the 26-year-old was finally resuscitated and transported by emergency helicopter Christophorus 9 to the Eisenstadt Hospital.

The firefighters asked the bathers to respect the bathing rules. In case of suspicion that a person is under water, the emergency response 122 must be selected together with the rescue measures. "If a person is really under water and can no longer be found, only the professional rescue by firefighters will be able to respond quickly, and valuable time can be saved if they are alerted," he said. declared Kroiss.

The 26-year-old man was stable after more than half an hour under water, which is due to two factors. "The cooler the water and the younger the person, the better it is, and cases in the past have shown that it's more beneficial," the spokesman said. Initially, nothing was known about the Burgenlander's health.

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