Bayern: Jupp Heynckes breaks the silence on Kovac and the crisis – Bundesliga


Since his departure last summer as coach, Jupp Heynckes (73) has not commented on his Bayern. Until now!

In the "Westdeutsche Zeitung" (Wednesday edition), the coach of Bayerns, multiple champion, now takes a stand on the crisis of his ex-club – and understands the situation of his successor, Niko Kovac (47).

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Photo: Alexander Hbadenstein / Getty Images

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Jupp Heynckes (left) and his successor at Bayern, Niko Kovac (then Frankfurt coach) before the final of the Cup in 2018Photo: Alexander Hbadenstein / Getty Images

"A young coach comes and wants to destroy the world," Heynckes said. "Niko Kovac does not only have it in Munich."

Heynckes said: "There are good guys out there and divas, and then there are serious injuries from important players."

Conclusion for the triple coach 2013: "There is a mountain of problems that accumulate."

Heynckes breaks his Bavarian silence

Kovac had only received one job guarantee for a Bayern boss match, Uli Hoeness (66) after the 3: 3 against Dusseldorf.

Tonight in the Champions League against Benfica Lisbon (from 21 hours on Sky and in the live ticker BILD), he has to show that he is still the ideal person for Bayern.

Otherwise, Heynckes's nice words will probably not help much …

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