BBT should be ready in ten years


Probably in 2028, the Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT) will become the longest railway tunnel in the world. However, according to Konrad Bergmeister, director of the BBT, the entire Munich-Verona line will be completed only in 2014.

The Brenner base tunnel is a gigantic project that has always made the headlines of the years. With the confluence with the existing Innsbruck railway bypbad, the flat rail tunnel between Innsbruck and South Tyrol Franzensfeste, according to the ÖBB with 64 kilometers "the longest underground railway in the world". Rather 2028 than 2027 it should be completed according to Bergmeister.


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Travel time Munich – Verona will probably be only four hours, instead of currently five and a half. The journey from Innsbruck to Bolzano is reduced from approximately 70 minutes to one hour

Delay by judicial procedure

The likely delay of one year lies mainly in the reduction of the surcharge for the Construction lot "Pfons-Brenner", the largest on the Austrian territory, so South Tyrol. "We have lost eleven months, we will strive and do everything we can to finish in 2027. But it will be very difficult to catch up with the construction," said the BBT brain.

Including the cause "Pfons-Brenner" have a delay of and a year and a half – and this is solely due to court proceedings and delayed the award, the director stressed, adding: "We have been building since the April 30, 2008. The engineering delays only lasted three months. "

  BBT work


83 tunnels were drilled in the mountain up here [19659006] 20 for cent of the main dug

In total, the BBT tunnel system covers about 230 kilometers of tunnel. According to the company responsible for implementing the project, Brenner Base Tunnel SE, up to now, 83 kilometers have already been crossed. 20% of the main tunnel has already been finalized. During the entire construction phase, up to 15,000 jobs will be created according to the BBT. The total cost of the Brenner Base Tunnel is currently estimated at 9.3 billion euros and financed by Austria, Italy and the EU. Construction work began on April 30, 2008, the start of work on the main tunnel marked a ceremony in March 2015.


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Long and heavy freight trains up to 19 2,000 tonnes could be in the BBT Two locomotives are currently needed for 800 tonnes of trains across the gradients.

Significant progress for funding

According to BBT board member Konrad Bergmeister, the total distance between Munich and Verona will be completed by 2040. He considers this horizon "realistic", said Bergmeister in the APA interview. For the next EU funding period from 2020, the Council did not expect reductions from the outset, but progress on the supply routes as a condition of l & # 39; EU. "I am convinced that it will be much harder to recover if there is no progress on the supply lines," Bergmeister said. that access roads are built quickly, otherwise there will be no functional TEN network There were verbal commitments that the Brenner Base Tunnel remains a priority project after 2020, but: "We must do our homework."


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First Effects to Feel of 2028

Die Bergmeister saw the conditions on the pathways of darker access than the Court of European accounts, which had recently criticized them in a report – more about it in the EU Court of Auditors criticized the BBT project.The north access path is "slow, but growing", especially because the "reality of construction" in the base tunnel will be increasingly visible in Germany and therefore the pressure will increase

faster than the total distance. Zulaufstrecke "from the Brenner base tunnel, those from Franzensfeste to Waidbruck will be completed in South Tyrol with the Brenner base tunnel in 2027 or 2028. With the Brenner base tunnel of 64 kilometers and the 21 kilometers from Franzensfeste to Waidbruck and at 2028 ". more than 120 kilometers of connection. "This is crucial for the completion of the entire route, because then the BBT will already develop a" first partial effect "and will make a first shift of the road to the rail, according to Bergmeister.


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BBT not a panacea for the transit problem

Bergmeister did not consider the Brenner base tunnel as the only way to solve the transit problem, but: "C & Is an important prerequisite for the solution of the transit and mobility problem. "There is also a need to develop supply chains – this would include functional terminals and a functional rail." And it takes a policy of honesty, external costs, "demanded Bergmeister.Tolls must be paid on all the railway lines, but not on the highways, said the BBT board and denounced" the unfairness of toll revenue. "[19659008] If l In any case, the Brenner base tunnel would be economically viable, Bergmeister was certain.


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