Beat attacks on Jews in the middle of Vienna – Vienna


Brutal scenes in the middle of Leopoldstadt in Vienna: On Thursday morning, a young man attacks three Jews in front of a kosher restaurant, several shots to his victims. The author moves towards Taborstraße, an eyewitness calls the police, says "Today": "I followed the man, the police advised me to keep a distance and stay on the phone to announce the current location of the author. " 19659002] Then the next attack: On Tabor street, the thug sees another Jew with Kippa (Jewish headgear, note) starts running and jumps the guy with force in the back . "I just got out of the synagogue, took my kippah and I wore Tefilin, so recognizable as a Jew, he came from behind, I was on the phone and I did not see him he jumped behind me, "says the).

Daniel (22 years old) was attacked on Tabor Street. Credit: Private

Suspect arrested at Schwedenplatz metro station

The alleged abuser heads for Schwedenplatz, while he goes to the metro station and attacks a woman, according to the police.

The suspect (24) is in detention. Credit: Private

In the Schwedenplatz U1 station, according to eyewitnesses, the attacker also beats the police who rushed inside, he can only be submerged by four officers. The aggressor, according to the police, is an Austrian of Turkish origin of 24 years, unemployed, who is arrested. He must be questioned as soon as possible.

The victim Daniel is shocked: "I hurt my hip, but I'm glad he did not have a knife with him".

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