Because of the heat: Daily Demos against Fiaker – Vienna


From 35 degrees, horses are without heat on Stephansplatz. It does not seem that the mark is being reached right now. At least not Tuesday.


Heat-free for 35 degree Fiaker horses. A good measure?

The club against the animal factories (VGT), the Fiaker still a thorn in the side. They want to draw attention to the suffering of animals. For this reason, they plan to hold daily demonstrations in the city center of Vienna. On Monday, 20 activists gathered at St. Stephen's Square to hold banners, hand out flyers and collect signatures. Currently, more than 20,000 people have signed a petition calling for "Heat Free for Fiaker Horses Over 30 Degrees".

Again Against Fiaker

In addition, the measurement of temperature in the city center is criticized. Campaign leader David Fenzl explains that while ZAMG is a reliable source, it only measures the temperature of the shadows. However, the horses had to stand for hours on the heated asphalt, which was a huge pain.

Also, according to VGT, there will be a complaint against the Fiaker again. So Monday instead of the 12 authorized cars, 18 stood on the stands.

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