Billions of poker started: Linzer United needs more money for growth


Billions of poker started: the University of Linz needs more money for growth

LINZ / VIENNA. JKU also wants 60 to 80 million euros – the number of technology students is expected to increase clearly

  Billions of poker have begun: the University of Linz needs more than 39 million euros. money for growth

Recently, 626 students completed a technical and scientific diploma closed compartment. Bild: Weihbold

The federal government has increased the university budget for the 2019 service period to 2021 from 1.35 billion euros. Which university will get what part of the cake will be decided in the coming months.

The first round of negotiations has just come on the scene. All the universities made their plans and arguments to the Ministry of Science. The University of Linz Kepler (JKU) presented its ambitious six-year development plan

. To fully implement it, the JKU would need another 79 million euros over the next three years. This amount was reported in Vienna. The official minimum political objective for negotiations is 60 million euros, which would also represent an increase in the share of federal funds from the JKU.

Higher share of JKU

The federal government redistributes about one billion. The remaining $ 350 million is mandatory spending such as additional clinical expenses in medical schools. 60 million would mean six percent of the new pie, 80 million eight percent. Currently, JKU's share of federal funds is 4.5%, which is criticized by many as being too low. The universities of Vienna or Graz are powerful competitors

Three key points with which the JKU discusses with the ministry: First, the number of students studying STEM subjects (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, technology) should be reduced because of the shortage of skilled workers. 25% increase Secondly, a mechanical engineering degree should be established. Third, a large JKU advertising campaign is scheduled for autumn in Germany and abroad to strengthen the profile. "Thanks to the achievements of many JKU researchers, we can not speak today about Linz's engineering skills," says Rector Meinhard. Lukas: "We want to further develop the huge force of engineering sciences in Linz." This would require new teaching positions in engineering and computer science. The framework conditions for technological progress are just as important. "All faculties must therefore grow."

He gave his full support to the UJK, said Governor Thomas Stelzer: "There have been many discussions between me and the Chancellor and the Minister of Education." Upper Austria as an economic locomotive needs a strong JKU. "The federal government must also be interested in this, for example, when I think of the many millions of Upper Austrian taxes that the Confederation can hope for."

Detailed negotiations on the university budget will follow in the fall. By the way, this does not affect the budget trajectory of the new faculty Linzer Med. This states that the federal government will pay 90 million euros over the next three years, after 44 million euros before.

The Kepler University in Figures

About 20,000 students are enrolled at the Linz UJK: 8,000 at the Faculty of Law, 7,000 at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, 4,500 at the Faculty of Engineering and 360 in Medical Sciences Faculty, which was founded in 2014. 130 professors teach in 127 institutes.
There were 626 graduates in MINT subjects in 2016/17. Before that, it had been 611, 566 and 538. The increase in these technical studies is expected to become even stronger.

The budget of the JKU for 2016-2018 is 130.7 million euros per year. In addition, there are 33 million in third party financing, such as by companies.

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