Birgit Hebein is the new leader of the Vienna Greens


Hebein was the most convincing of the 3,400 eligible voters, of whom 2,600 voted. She defeated four competitors. The club boss also participated in internal races

David Ellensohn, City Council Peter Kraus as well as the Marihan Abensperg-Traun Ärzzin and Meidling District Council, Benjamin Kaan,

These last two had only external opportunities. However, the complicated voting system had made the forecasts difficult until recently. On the approach, many observers have declared that a victory Ellensohn or

crinkly badumed. Now, Hebein raced, who had announced their candidacy only after the two.

Hebein was for the Greens the spokesman of the local council for social affairs and security. The social worker was already in the late 1980s in the

peace movement politically active. In addition to her role on the City Council, she is also a member of KZ-Verband-Wien and Green Trade Unionists.

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