Bold puppy saves mom in front of a venomous snake


Golden Retriever Todd of the United States

Bold puppy saves his mistress from a venomous snake

  Golden Retriever Todd USA: A Bold Puppy Saves Its Owner From A Venomous Snake

Golden Retriever Todd suffered from a snake bite, but was immediately treated at the clinic.
Photo: Screenshot: Facebook (Paula Godwin)

Arizona A brave Golden Retriever from the United States saved his owner from the deadly bite of a rattlesnake. But the net now celebrates the four-legged hero.

It was supposed to be a normal walk for Paulo Godwin and his two dogs Todd and Cooper. The 27-year-old teenager runs daily with her animals in the steppe of Anthem, in the US state of Arizona. And this is obviously not entirely safe.

When Godwin came down from a hill with his dogs last Friday, she accidentally stepped on a rattlesnake. Surprised by this, the animal began the dangerous bite. But the puppy Golden Retriever Todd acted quickly, jumped at the foot of his fox and intercepted the attack.

Paulo Godwin was not hurt. But the dog suffered from a snake bite in the middle of the face. He had to be taken to the veterinary clinic immediately, where he received an antidote. However, his feat left his mark.

A few hours after the incident, Godwin posted pictures of his dog on Facebook. They show two punctures on the muzzle and the pup's heavily swollen face. "That's what a hero looks like," she says.

The photos have been communicated several times. And in the comments lines of many wishes for recovery for the brave Golden Retriever.

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