Börse Express – Currency exchange: the euro partially recovers its profits


The price of the euro on
Thursday, at the end of the meeting, the United States negotiates part of their profits
delivered again. Recently, the common currency was quoted
1.1270 US dollars. The news that the United States, according to the circles
Consider delaying the threat of tariffs on imports from Mexico,
supported the dollar a bit.

Previously, the euro was the monetary policy decision of the
The European Central Bank (ECB) briefly surpbaded the rise of 1.13 USD
and reaches its highest level since mid-April at $ 1,1309
achieved. The European Central Bank (ECB) had the reference price
to 1.1266 (Wednesday: 1.1257) dollars. The dollar had
thus cost 0.8876 (0.8883) euros.

The cause of the gains of the euro saw industry experts
ECB decision to set interest rates on new long-term borrowing
Central Bank to slightly lift the commercial banks of the euro area.

The slightly higher interest rates on long-term loans suggest
"that the ECB is gradually withdrawing from the policy of negative interest rates
wants, "said the chief economist Uwe Burkert of the Landesbank
Decision of Baden-Württemberg. The prospect of rising
Interest usually supports the euro. "But it will be for a long time
if this happens at the pace of this snail, "said Burkert
sure. A general reversal of interest rates is not in sight. Therefore the
Monetary policy makers may consider higher rates in the face of growth
Risks to the economy are postponed until at least mid-2020.
According to the ECB, international problems in particular are a burden
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