Börse Express – New record for child care spaces


The number of child care spaces has reached a new peak. According to Statistik Austria, in kindergarten 2017/18, 68,168 children under the age of three attend a nursery. The 236,779 supervised children aged three to five also set a new record.

Since 2008, the first agreement between the federal government and the federal states on subsidies for the expansion of child care has been multiplied by two. The increase over a ten-year period is 40,148 children (+ 143.3%). Already one in four (26.1%) children in this age group are in day care. In 2007/2008, it was still 11.8%. Among children aged three to five, growth reached 29,128 children (14.0%) over the same period

Among children under three years of age, there has been a sharp increase over the last ten years years in all federal states. The largest increase occurred in Upper Austria, where the number of supervised places, with 7,347 children, has almost tripled (+ 19.2%). Still in Lower Austria and Styria, a significant increase was recorded with + 185.9% and + 183.8%, respectively. Despite the increase, in Upper Austria and Styria – measured by the resident population – the smallest number of children under three years old is still supported in nurseries (16.1% and 14%). , 8%, respectively). In Vienna, the attendance rate in this age group has always been much higher than in other states, it is currently 44.2%. Outside Vienna, only Burgenland (31.4%) is well above the Austrian average of 26.1%.

According to the annual clbades, more than half of the two-year-old children in Austria visit a nursery (52.4%) for children one year old, the care rate is 23.6%. Of the children who have not yet completed their first year of life, 2.5% are housed in a nursery.

The rate of care for children aged 3 to 5 who are already attending day care or preschool is currently 93.7% in Austria (2007/08: 85.8%). Burgenland (97.8%) and Lower Austria (97.1%) are the highest, Carinthia (88.1%) and Styria (88.2%) are well below the Austrian average.

Juliane, Minister of Family Bogner-Strauß (ÖVP) was confirmed by the current data. "In particular, the increase in children under three years shows us that we must continue to invest here, so during the negotiations 15a, the focus will be on development for less than three years ", said Bogner-Strauß. Currently, final votes are held between the relevant ministries, it was said. We expect a "quick invitation" to the next round of negotiations with the provinces

. More planning security and sustainable funding have required municipalities to develop child care spaces. The President of the Community Pact, Alfred Riedl, wanted a swift conclusion to the corresponding 15a negotiations between the federal government and the states. "Municipalities are now planning the next year of kindergarten and if we want to ensure and expand the delivery of child care services, communities need clarity and transparency.Fund security for several years," says Riedl. of 15a, the existing offer of childcare would be endangered and further development difficultly possible, warned the president of the federation community

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