Brazil before the elections: Bolsonaro reduces his lead


Immediately before the second round in Brazil, the right-wing candidate, Bolsonaro, is ahead, but not as clearly as a few days ago.

By Ivo Marusczyk, ARD Studio Buenos Aires

Shortly before the elections, the wind turned. Brazilian television channels announce a turnaround. For the first time since the start of the election campaign, the ratings of right-wing candidate Jair Bolsonaro are down. His opponent, Fernando Haddad, has caught up.

And the candidate of the left-wing labor party suddenly appears much more aggressive and finds clear words for his opponent: "He has always incited violence". It's the man who leads in the polls, but he will lose. "

Wahlkampfrede too radical

It's a bold prediction though. In fact, the recovery should come too late. Jair Bolsonaro has lost money in advance, but he still has a solid margin of 12% in the latest polls. This should be enough to be elected the next president of the fifth largest country in the world. Bolsonaro returned to the diving station. Mistakes like last weekend should not happen anymore.

"We are going to do a great clean up now, this left clique will have to submit to our laws if it wants to stay here, it will have to leave the country where it will go to jail." Bolsonaro had been summoned to a rally of his followers. However, what he had to say there was not well received – because he also attacked social organizations, among others: "You bandits of the landless and landless movement homeless movement: Your actions will be clbadified as terrorism in the future. "

Many Brazilians are scared

Meanwhile, many Brazilians are really afraid of an electoral victory of the right-wing politician. Intellectuals, homobaduals and bads in particular, as well as the inhabitants of the favelas and underprivileged neighborhoods: "People are already worried.Until now, we thought that it was not serious, but now that he is ahead, his tone has already changed And we say half joke half seriously, prepare the pbadports, you do not know what will happen at home, all the new pbades have been recovered, he could perhaps seriously say it. "

But still more than half of the voters are behind the right. His rival Haddad is suffering mainly from the fact that he was allowed far too late to enter the election campaign, only to replace former president Lula da Silva. He had stubbornly clung to his candidacy despite being sentenced to prison for corruption for too long. Many now consider Haddad a puppet of Lula. And that pushes back a lot.

Protest against the election of the current government

"People are not necessarily Bolsonaro – but against the workers party," says a taxi driver. "That's why he wins.look like the country is bad, this time bomb left behind by the workers party, all bankrupt, hospitals, security, just everything."

Bolsonaro is now rowing, trying to look a bit more moderate. It would not come out of the Paris agreement on climate change. And it would not subordinate the protection of the environment to the distribution of agriculture.

False news as an election campaign

Meanwhile, his supporters continue to be fed on social networks with false news, refuting claims about his opponent. The desire to prohibit churches, to allow incest and small children uprooted badually. Such allegations have flooded social networks in Brazil in recent weeks.

The last polls close in the night from Sunday to Monday at 11 pm, German time. Soon after, it will be clear who will govern Brazil in the future.

The Nachtmagazin reported on this subject at 00:00 on 25 October 2018 and the Tagesschau on 28 October 2018 at 04:44.

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