British Foreign Minister Johnson Resigns


British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson resigned. Prime Minister Theresa May has accepted the resignation of his foreign minister in the afternoon, the London government said on Monday.

Brexit Minister David Davis was one of the pioneers of the EU's exit. , submitted his resignation. He was replaced by Dominic Raab.

The Hardliner Pulls the Hat

Johnson was considered one of May's chief detractors and had repeatedly attacked his Brexit course as too soft. Friday, May had prevailed against his will with his decision to maintain close economic ties with the European Union. Britain wants to leave the EU in March 2019.

The former mayor of London was the face of the Brexit campaign and the spokesman for European opponents in Britain. The eccentric conservative had said after the Brexit vote in 2016 that the EU had been "a noble idea for its time", but "is no longer right for this country".

Can defend his withdrawal from the EU after ministerial retreats

British Prime Minister Theresa May defended the course of his cooperation in the Brexit negotiations during the two ministerial resignations.

She regretted the withdrawal of Foreign Minister Boris Johnson and Britain's Brexit Minister David Davis in the House of Commons. as regards relations between the UK and the EU following the withdrawal of London from the Union next year. Their goal of maintaining close relations with the EU is protecting jobs and is best for the people, said May. "It's the good deal for Britain."

There is a dispute between British Conservatives should give a "hard" or "soft" Brexit. Above all, Johnson is one of the toughest British government. It was only Friday that May got support from her cabinet for a free trade zone for goods and agricultural products. The other three freedoms of the internal market – capital, labor and services – should be restricted.

The resignation of British Foreign Minister Burdens Pound

Johnson's surprise resignation sparked sales on Monday afternoon to the British pound. The British currency lost 0.4% to $ 1.3240 against the dollar. As a result, the euro rose to 0.8874 pound sterling

"Well, we think the pound can withstand the resignation of ministers," said currency strategist Viraj Patel of ING bank. But that would only apply if Johnson's decision was only a consequence of the resignation of Brexit Minister David Davis and no more. However, if Johnson challenges Prime Minister Theresa May, uncertainty will increase.

Earlier, the pound rose 0.5% to $ 1,333. Investors saw the departure of the Dickens Brexit hardened positive, as a tough divorce from the UK would be heavier for the EU than a so-called mild Brexit.

In the stock market, however, investors on the higher exports of many international companies, the first index of the London Stock Exchange are listed. As a result, Footsie increased profits and rose 0.6% to a daily high of 7662 points.

Two Ministers in One Day

The British government is currently working on it. Johnson is not the prime minister to throw sponge on Monday. British Minister of Brexit David Davis resigned in the conflict over the government's course on the exit of the EU. The "new trend" of Brexit's policy and tactics makes it less likely that Britain is leaving the single market and the customs union, Davis said in his resignation letter to Prime Minister Theresa May on Monday night. May accepted the resignation.

However, the head of government contradicted Davis' statements. She did not agree with her characterization of Brexit's new strategy, she said. May had ordered her cabinet Friday to participate in a twelve-hour marathon meeting on the Checkers estate in northwestern London. The ministers even had to hand over their smartphones at the closed meeting. In the evening of May announced that the government had agreed on a new strategy for the exit of the EU. But the agreement only came under strong pressure.

Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar and Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) also evaluate the "common position" of the British government presented by Theresa May on future EU relations with the UK after Brexit As progress, however, at a joint press conference Sunday night in Dublin, they also pointed out that there were still "open questions". "I think we can be more optimistic than we were in Brussels a week ago," Varadkar said before the first reports of the Brexit minister's resignation, referring to the recent EU summit. The "next step" is the publication of the "White Paper" of London this week, which he wants to examine and badyze more closely.

Shortly Sunday, a three-day trip to the British Isles began. For Monday morning, a visit of the Irish-Irish border area to the program. Later, the Chancellor wanted to continue in London, where for 17:00 local time (18:00 CEST) a meeting with Prime Minister May was scheduled. Before the trip, Kurz had described Britain's withdrawal from the European Union as "one of the key issues that will occupy us during our presidency". Negotiations on Brexit are entering the hot period under the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the EU. By the fall of the exit agreement with Britain must be negotiated so that it can be ratified in time by both parties. Great Britain must leave the European Union on March 29, 2019.

The British want to create a free trade zone

The new British government plan has been considered by many extremists of the Brexit as a departure from the exit of the EU. This plan, which is called friendly for businesses, provides for the creation of a free trade zone with the EU for goods and other close relations with the EU. EU. This would avoid a land border with controls between Ireland, a member of the EU, and the British province of Northern Ireland. The service sector should be excluded. In addition, Great Britain reserves the right to impose its own import duties and enter into new trade agreements with third parties. In the future, Parliament should also be able to decide whether European rules and regulations should be respected.

May in distress

For May, the resignation of Davis is a blow. She must now count with more resistance from the Brexit wing of her party. About 60 MPs from their group will be counted. Two secretaries of state at the Brexit Ministry also reportedly withdrew their hat. If more members of the government resign, the month of May could bring great distress. Even a premature fall of the PM does not seem out of the question.

Davis is considered the ardent representative of a clear break with Brussels. He had threatened to resign in the past if May tied the country too closely to Brussels. He has long been dissatisfied with his role in government. Davis had always been brief in the exit negotiations in Brussels and often seemed unprepared. More and more, May has taken the wheel in the negotiations. His resignation plunges the government at the wrong time into a new crisis. Britain leaves the European Union on March 29, 2019. Until then, an exit agreement must be in place, otherwise chaos threatens.

Davis is the sixth minister May has lost since the new elections last June. Defense Secretary Michael Fallon and Deputy Prime Minister Damian Green have dropped their posts after allegations of harbadment. Development Minister Priti Patel resigned because she had met Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu without agreement. Interior Minister Amber Rudd was forced to resign as an illegal immigrant in the scandal of illegal treatment of immigrant workers in the Caribbean. Only one resignation was not triggered by a scandal: James Brokenshire had abandoned his post as British Minister for Northern Ireland because of an illness. Tusk and Juncker leave pensions in London without comment

Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, and Donald Tusk, President of the Council, at a press conference with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko avoided Annotate the resignation of Brexit British Minister David Davis and Foreign Minister Boris Johnson. "Politicians come and go," said Tusk succinctly.

The position of the EU in the negotiations on the exit of Britain does not change, according to Tusk. This Juncker has joined completely.

Davis had resigned Friday, Johnson followed Monday. Both are seen as supporters of a difficult Brexit and should be unhappy with the decision of British Prime Minister Theresa May to maintain close economic ties with the EU.


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