British secret services blew up Putin's spy in Austria "


The intelligence that an army colonel had spied on the Russians came from British intelligence. Behind this could also be a political intention. In the Skripal case, Austria had been shaking heads as a Russian speaker in London.

of Michael Jungwirth | 19:51, November 11, 2018

The Russian Embbady in Vienna
The Russian Embbady in Vienna © Willfried Gredler-Oxenbauer

In the spying case of the Colonel of the Federal Army, a spicy detail became known. After informing Small newspaper came the crucial point of British intelligence. Since Friday night, the alleged spy is behind bars. Monday, the judiciary decides on the imposition of detention. According to reports, the ex-officer is expected to remain in detention.

That the point comes from the British, is explosive to the extent that they are British for years in a permanent quarrel with the Russian secret services. The spectacular attack of Nowitschok on the former double agent Sergei Skripal in Salisbury provoked serious diplomatic involvement, in addition to the British and the Americans imposed EU sanctions against Moscow. Austria has always slowed down as a "Russian NCO" and in March, it did not participate in the mbad expulsion of Russian diplomats by Western states after the attack at the time. poison.

Tip with political intention?

A senior federal army officer thinks the British are likely to have deliberately conveyed this information to the Austrians in order to bring the federal government to the chagrin of many Western countries in hug with the Kremlin, far away Russians.

Spectacular was also the deadly attack on Alexander Litvinenko, former employee of the Russian secret services. He was poisoned in November 2006 in a London hotel by the radioactive substance Polonium 210. Just before dying at the hospital, said Litvinenko, Kremlin officials and Russian president Vladimir Poutine are responsible for his death.

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