Burgenland: Together for a strong Europe of regions


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Governor Hans Niessl, Speaker of the State Parliament Christian Illedits, and Karl-Heinz Lambertz, President of the European CoR, mobilize for a strong Europe of regions Source: Bgld. State Media Service
photo :: Bgld. Landesmedienservice


Photo :: Bgld. Landesmedienservice


Photo :: Bgld. Landesmedienservice

12 Jul


by Redaktion Salzburg
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Burgenland on the right track to maintain the status of a transition region

Burgenland represents regions within the corresponding Committee of the Regions of the EU. As part of a visit to Burgenland, the chairman of the European Committee of the Regions, Karl-Heinz Lambertz, met with Governor Hans Niessl and Speaker of the Parliament Christian Illedits for informal talks. The main theme of the working visit was the support framework in Burgenland for the next EU period 2021-2027. "I am convinced that disaster scenarios are unlikely – that Burgenland retains its current status as a transition region is much more likely for me today than a year and a half ago." However, how much of funds will circulate and how they will be distributed can not be determined at the moment, but decisions on all these complex issues should, if possible, be taken before the European elections, "said the chairman of the European Committee of the Regions, Karl- Heinz Lambertz

since his entry into the European Union in 1995 until the end of the current funding period. By 2020, nearly 1.5 billion euros will have been invested by the EU in Burgenland, supplemented by state and federal funds. This will bring investments totaling nearly 6 billion euros by 2020. Burgenland can therefore expect extremely successful development – also thanks to these EU grants. Since 2000, the average annual economic growth has been about 3.5%, the number of employees has increased by about 30% to 107,000 and the number of overnight stays has increased by 30%. about 30%. The rapid growth of prosperity from 68% of the EU GDP in 1995 to almost 90% of the EU average also bears witness to this successful development. According to a recent study from the OECD, Burgenland is one of the best regions of Europe as an example of best practice.

In addition, Governor Hans Niessl: "We are the only region of Europe surrounded by three new EU countries. Therefore, we must now create the right framework conditions so that this good development does not stop, because even after 2020, Burgenland needs support from the Structural Funds comparable to the current status of a region in transition. Burgenland must continue to have access to the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Regional Fund (ERDF). Therefore, we also welcome the proposal of the European Commission to increase the relevant GDP limits from 90% to 100%, thus guaranteeing Burgenland's claim for additional funding for regional development. We are on the right track and we also thank Karl-Heinz Lambertz, President of the European CoR, who has always supported our concerns for a strong cohesion policy for the post-2020 period. "

The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) represents the interests of regional authorities, such as federal states and municipalities, in the European Union, introduces the position of local and regional authorities in "European legislation" and gives regions Burgenland is represented in the CoR by Governor Hans Niessl and Speaker of the Parliament Christian Illedits and is a very important instrument in all European concerns. "The Committee of the Regions is therefore an indispensable body because it is the most direct interface between citizens and bodies of the European Union. Here are the representatives of the regional authorities, who are in daily contact with the population, a mandate. Provincial governments and parliaments act as spokesmen in both directions. We must organize a course in Brussels, but also send impulses from the regions to Brussels. This networking is important because a successful European Union must emerge from its smaller units as a bottom-up process in order to build on a stable foundation. We as a country, but also the collective of European cities and regions, must act together for regional development. There is therefore a consensus between the Austrian and German Länder on the transfer of powers to the regions. This would take into account their specific needs and problems, while Europe begins locally, "concluded Speaker of the State Parliament, Christian Illedits.

Source: Burgenland Land

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