Burgenlands Brandstifter – Wiener Zeitung Online


Vienna. It is well known that Hans Niessl sees many things differently from his party friends at the federal level. The Gottseibeiuns party has long insisted on a restrictive asylum and immigration path, wants to control the borders. His repeated positions in the last National Council elections earned him the post of SPÖ leader, his likely successor, former Defense Minister and SPÖ-Finance advisor, Hans Peter Doskozil, and even considered writing a program of the Burgenland Party SPÖ. The discussion of Niessl's difficult asylum and immigration path also provoked explosions in the dispute over the succession and direction of Michael Häupl in Vienna

The governor of the province of Burgenland now gives its demands, from the SPÖ to twelve o'clock. Day finally delivered a theme of appropriate government mobilization, no rest. In an interview Sunday, Niessl called for an even sharper course of immigration and asylum from the government.

BMI: "Numbers Too High"
There is a lack of action by the government, Niessl told APA. "Conservative estimates" would raise about 250,000 people who resided illegally in Austria. Measures already adopted at European level to improve border management, such as the increase of Frontex by 2020, are not sufficient for Niessl. If the police and the federal army were to be removed from the Burgenland border, evacuation routes would change immediately, according to Niessl. So: "As long as the external borders are not protected, we have to do it ourselves."

The conservative estimate of 250,000 migrants illegally residing in Austria can not be explained to the Ministry of the Interior. The number is in any case much too high, says a spokesman. Although at the beginning of the first half of 2018 (as of 15 July), some 10,600 irregular migrants were taken in charge, many of whom had already left voluntarily, expelled or returned by the Dublin regime. .

Question about Niessl's motivation to treat so regularly and in detail about a subject, with which his party not only slandered externally, but could tear up the party's internal trenches again. Is the long-time provincial governor in a sort of pre-election campaign to improve the performance of his potential successor and a possible extension of the red-blue coalition in Burgenland?

The SPÖ-Bundesspitze was not prepared on Monday to comment on the Niessl ride. Only Rafael Sternfeld, head of the communication department at the SPÖ in Vienna, said: "There is already a common line on the subject, and that means: integration before immigration". For Niessl's spokesperson, the media are responsible for the emphasis on asylum declarations

Plbader: Niessl wants to turn
The fact that the federal SPÖ is silent n & n Is not surprising for the political scientist Fritz Plbader – but not particularly commendable, Finally, in the National Council election campaign, the faction that wanted to see the sensitive issue replaced by more appropriate issues – such as modernization, social justice and Europe – would have prevailed within the party. However, the SPÖ is "well advised to continue in the still unresolved strategic issue, at least to the extent that it must signal that the high relevance of the subject of asylum is recognized by the party and taken seriously", explains the political scientist. And Niessl?

"I think his repeated remarks show at least that he is in any case very dissatisfied with the course of the federal party," Plbader says. Niessl probably continues to think that he could lead his party to a stronger mark in the subject of asylum. Niessl is still in power – and could continue to lead his party regularly towards their thematic weakness.

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