Burglary in the territory of Klagenfurt: prescription drugs stolen in pharmacies


  • November 1, 2018, 22:54
  • 9 × read
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about 150 boxes of prescription drugs were stolen from a pharmacy
Vanessa Pichler

Vanessa Pichler
from Klagenfurt

Several thousand euros worth of damage after entering a pharmacy.

DISTRICT KLAGENFURT LAND. Strangers forced the door of a pharmacy to open by force during the night and today, Thursday, as indicated by the police inspection at Ferlach. In a locked cabinet, they stole at least 150 boxes of prescription drugs. They also stole several hundred euros at the cash register. Through a window, they were able to escape. The total amount of damage is several thousand euros.

Vanessa Pichler

Vanessa Pichler
from Klagenfurt

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