Burgtheater: Hartmann set survey


05.11.2018 21:26

Online since today, 21:26

The director of the Burgtheater, Matthias Hartmann, who was dismissed in March 2014 because of the financial scandal, will not go to court. For the moment, the latest investigation against him – due to possible tax evasion – has been stopped, reports the "Salzburger Nachrichten" (Tuesday edition).

The bulk of the investigation – they were suspected of infidelity, accounting fraud or gross negligent breach of the interests of creditors – announced the prosecutor responsible for economic affairs and corruption in December 2017. They were taken in 2014, after the former Minister of Culture, Josef Ostermayer (SPÖ), dismissed the director of the Burgtheater without notice. Georg Springer, former head of the supervisory board, was also arrested, but there was nothing left on the criminal side.

Next is determined only against the former sales manager Sylvia Stantejsky, on suspicion of infidelity and accounting fraud.

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