Cannabis shops in Canada grow in the grass


Cannabis shops in Canada grow in the grbad

OTTAWA. As a result of the legalization of cannabis sales in Canada, the huge demand has sometimes led to bottlenecks in shipments.

In many stores, supplies are exhausting. Picture: (AFP)

In the provinces of Newfoundland and Saskatchewan, as well as in the Arctic territory of Nunavut, unfinished supplies were reported on Thursday. The cannabis portal of the Ontario government has warned online customers against waiting times of up to five days.

Before many marijuana stores in the country formed on the second day after legalizing long queues. Among those waiting in front of a store in Montreal was also Alexandre, 30, who had already hired Wednesday in vain. After seven hours of waiting, he was dismissed at 9 pm (local time). The police dispersed the crowd without leaving any fault. "It was hell, it was cold," said Alexander. "But we always had fun," he added.

Legal since Wednesday

Canada had fully legalized the sale of cannabis Wednesday as the second-largest country in the world after Uruguay. Canadian citizens over the age of 18 – in some provinces, the age limit is set at 19 – since then, he has been authorized to buy one gram of hashish for about ten Canadian dollars (4.30 euros), by order or in authorized stores. Personal effects are limited to 30 grams.

Geneviève Despres, 41, was one of the lucky ones, who had already done a business on Wednesday. She does not usually smoke cannabis, "but because it was a historic day for Canada, I thought I'd try it," she told AFP.

38,000 orders in Ontario

In Canada's most populous province of Ontario, 38,000 orders valued at approximately $ 750,000 were received in the first hours after legalization on Wednesday (just under $ 501,500). The scope far exceeds expectations, said the Government of the Province of Quebec, which has recorded 42,000 orders.

The Canadian Parliament approved in June a law authorizing the consumption and production of this drug. Canada is already one of the countries with the highest per capita marijuana use in the world. Critics warn of the health damage resulting from cannabis use and an increase in drug-related accidents.

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