Carinthia: storm dam at Waidegg provisionally sealed


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Assistance Mission to Gail- / Lesachtal; Two S-70 helicopters & # 39; Black Hawk & # 39; are working on the temporary closure of the Gail Dam near Waidegg,
Photo: Ottacher-Kaiser / Armed Forces

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Assistance Mission to Gail- / Lesachtal; Two S-70 helicopters & # 39; Black Hawk & # 39; are working on the temporary closure of the Gail Dam near Waidegg,
Photo: Ottacher-Kaiser / Armed Forces

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Assistance Mission to Gail- / Lesachtal; Two S-70 helicopters & # 39; Black Hawk & # 39; are working on the temporary closure of the Gail Dam near Waidegg,
Photo: Ottacher-Kaiser / Armed Forces

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Assistance Mission to Gail- / Lesachtal; Civilian forces are already starting to restore the dam.
Photo: Ottacher-Kaiser / Armed Forces

Nov. 04

3:12 p.m.

of the Salzburg editorial office
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Gail flows from 20h in the original riverbed – protection of the dam at Rangersdorf until tuesday

The rains of the past few days have caused no further damage in storm areas up to now. The reports today, Sunday, the country 's Assistant Commissioner for Civil Protection, Christian Gamsler. Meanwhile, he had also succeeded the army soldiers, the temporary dam on Gail Bridge at Waidegg temporarily sealed.

"The work was dangerous – two S70 Black Hawk helicopters from the federal army arrived for a temporary closure of 80 armored helicopters and 220 filled with" Big Bags "gravel in the damaged area and were dropped in precision work "said Gamsler. Starting at 8 am today, the Gail was returning to his original riverbed. Thus, the working conditions of local contractors are created, but the federal army also remains active. "The Villach pioneers will carry extra big bags to the dam and take them there," the Carinthian military command said. The Black Hawk helicopters would return to the Langenlebarn base, but two helicopters would remain on the scene in the event of a disaster.

In total, six fire brigades are used today. Work to make the Lesachtal accessible is continuing. "Here the army remains on the ground," said the military command. The Rangersdorf dam is expected to continue until Tuesday.

Source: Land Carinthia

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