Carinthia: Storm – The new rain makes cleaning more difficult


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Nov. 03

4:47 p.m.

of the Salzburg editorial office
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Landeskrisenstab reunited to discuss storm hotspots and help – about 200 households still without electricity – broken dams are currently closed

Due to weather forecasts, recurring rainfall and softening of the soil, he is still returning to different parts of Carinthia. The country's crisis team met today, Friday morning, under the guidance of regional councilor Daniel Fellner, responsible for civil protection, to agree on a new plan of action, to discuss the most serious problems of the country. moment and provide badistance.

According to national hydrologist Johannes Moser, after the decrease in rainfall, the Drau River and reservoirs no longer present major problems. Thus, the Edling Dam is again blocked by the composite. "This is possible as long as there is no more than 750 cubic meters of water entering the storage space, but the situation is still being reevaluated," said Norbert Sereinig of the Federal Water Management Administration. According to Georg Fejan, district captain in Wolfsberg, Lavamünd is currently safe.

The broken Waidegg dams in the Gail Valley are currently closed by helicopters with the help of the German armed forces. The return of the Möll to their original bed is underway, but will not be finished until the beginning of next week. "The dams will now be closed as soon as possible so that the rivers can return to their beds, and the emergency measures taken will withstand the floods at mid-term, and their complete restoration will be possible only in the spring." Sereinig explains. In Latschach (Hermagor) and Vordernberg (Mölltal), the areas behind the dikes are protected by pumps during continuous rains.

"Bad Eisenkappel currently has 100,000 cubic meters of wood and the Paulitschsattel will remain closed longer," said Völkermarkts District Captain Gert Klösch about the situation in the district. Cleaning work is in progress here. In a few months, the storms caused considerable damage for the second time. In the afternoon, a local inspection in Bad Eisenkappel with Governor Peter Kaiser and Civil Protection Officer Fellner.

In the district of Hermagor, the B111 remains closed. Weather permitting, helicopters from the German army, including Lesachtal and Gailtal, are on hand to support the emergency services. In the district of Spittal, the situation is now more relaxed and the warning of civil protection in Mörtschach has been lifted.

According to Kelag, about 200 houses are currently scattered throughout Carinthia without electricity and the hot spot is located in the Lesach Valley, where attempts are underway to remedy this situation with emergency generators. Providing electricity to all households or restoring the grid is currently a top priority in Kelag. There are 200 editors in action.

Source: Land Carinthia

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