Caritas Action: The bells against hunger – Leoben


26.07.2018, 12:43

On the 27th of July, at 3 pm, all the church bells in Austria will sound for five minutes!

Michael Landau, President of Caritas, and Benno Elbs, Caritas, in a joint statement: "Remember that every ten seconds a child dies of hunger, a dying person we can prevent!" The earth is round. There is no beginning or end, no first, second or third world. And on this earth, we do not care if the children are starving. On Friday, July 27, as a very audible sign, the church bells ring across the country following the joint decision of the Austrian Episcopal Conference. They remind us of Jesus' death by the many deaths we can prevent – worldwide and day-to-day. "

Hunger Scandal

" Bells Sounding "is Accompanying Exceptional Situations Every ten seconds, a child starves and hunger is – and we want to emphasize it again – not a natural event, but a scandal, because we can, if we want to, ensure that no child should die of hunger It's the result of inadequate education systems, health care mediocre, weak governments and injustices and poverty, "said Landau and Elbs.
"To raise awareness of the hunger scandal rang on Friday, July 27 – at the time of Jesus' death – the church bells resound in five thousand parishes in Austria for five minutes – This strong signal of solidarity with people, Those who are hungry should remember that it is also in our hands to ease the hardship.As help arrives, saves lives and is bigger that hunger. "

Protecting 150,000 children from famine

Globally, 815 million people are chronically hungry and short of food – children are particularly hard hit – in Africa every third child south of Sahara suffers from chronic malnutrition, children are too small for their age, their organs do not grow up, they remain physically and mentally underdeveloped.All your life.

Elbs and Landau in unison: "If the children eat too much for months , years and especially food of too poor quality, it has horrible consequences: malnutrition in the first years of life reduces growth and makes children more vulnerable to diseases and infections. They suffer from a backlog that they can never catch up with. These children are not only too small for their age, permanent malnutrition also leads to ill-formed cognitive, linguistic and sensorimotor skills. Therefore, Caritas Austria has set as a goal, with the support of donors, to save 150,000 children in 15 countries of Africa and Asia from the long-term consequences of hunger and disease. malnutrition. Together, we can achieve this goal if we want it!
On average, one in four children under the age of five is malnourished or malnourished on average, or about 155 million children.
"It is clear that wars and climate change are causing hunger, so let's avoid making it an incurable disease," Pope Francis said on World Food Day on October 16 2017.

Ending hunger by 2030 – the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, the global community adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals to permanently improve the lives of people by 2030. Goal 2 – Zero Hunger – is the first priority of the United Nations World Food Program (WFP). It aims to end hunger, improve nutrition, ensure access and availability of food and promote sustainable agriculture.

Help me!

Hunger is not a law of nature! With your support, we want to save 150,000 children in 15 countries of Africa and Asia from the long-term effects of hunger and malnutrition. Your donation gives people a self-determined future

7 euros costs food for a child for a month
25 euros costs seeds, tools and training for small farmers
41 euros is the price of a baby. a goat 70.00 costs half a hectare of vegetable garden

Urgent request for donations:
IBAN: AT92 6000 0000 0770 0004

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