Cassis can not break the resistance to the UN compact on migration


The State Political Committee has not agreed to be retabled by Foreign Minister Cbadis and is maintaining resistance to the UN Migration Pact. The Federal Council should not accept the December deal on migration.

Lukas Mäder, Berne

The United Nations Pact on Migration establishes principles for international migration, which face resistance in Parliament. (Image: Document / EPO)

The United Nations Pact on Migration establishes principles for international migration, which face resistance in Parliament. (Image: Document / EPO)

Foreign Minister Ignazio Cbadis came Friday to convince the National Councils of the State Commission on the Uno-Migration Pact. Along with two senior representatives of the federal administration, Secretary of State Mario Gattiker and Ambbadador Pietro Mona, the Federal Council of the FDP presented its views on the 23 objectives of the policy. of migration, but without success: the Commission clearly recommends to the Federal Council, by 15 votes for Pact not to approve as planned at the conference in Morocco on 10 and 11 December.

Doubts about the interpretation of the Federal Council

Although the State Political Committee of the National Council (SPK-N) does not dispute the fact that the pact is legally non-binding, the consent therefore lies with the Bundesrat, as stated by the President of the Commission, Kurt Fluri ( fdp., SO). "But the majority is convinced that the pact is politically binding and that the requirements contained therein are taken up by politicians or organizations." The majority does not share the Federal Council's interpretation that Switzerland is already meeting its objectives and that it is therefore not necessary to act. ,

The Commission therefore continues motion, which obliges the Federal Council to submit the Pact on Migration to Parliament in the form of a federal decree for consideration. A return request was refused. SPK-N had already submitted the motion at its last meeting – just in time for the Federal Council to take a stand by the beginning of the winter session at the end of November. In addition, the motion is included in the December 6 provisional sessional program of parliamentary services, in anticipation of the anticipated approval of the migration pact. However, the final program of the session will be decided by the National Council Office only next week.

Other committees discuss it

Resistance to the UN pact on migration has come to the origin of the SVP. However, in the meantime, CVP and FDP representatives are skeptical to reject. The commissions of the Council of States have not yet pronounced on this subject. But next week, Peter Föhn (Schwyz, please.), Who asks for an identical request from the Commission, was informed by the Commission of the policy of the Little Chamber of State of the Small Chamber. The two councils' foreign policy committees will also be consulted on the migration pact in the next two weeks.

Given the obvious resistance of the bourgeoisie, it is not certain that the Federal Council can really approve the United Nations Pact on Migration in December. Fluri as president of SPK-N has doubts: "I guess the Federal Council will wait forever." This should also contribute to the fact that, in addition to the United States, Australia and Hungary have recently announced to Austria and Croatia to waive the approval. want.

If the SPK-N motion is adopted and the Federal Council has to present the UN Covenant in Parliament, the way it will happen is not clear. According to Fluri, a first review showed that this should probably be done in the form of a basic decision or a planning decision in accordance with parliamentary law. Because the pact is not an international treaty. Normally, policy or planning decisions are not subject to optional referendum, but exceptions are possible.

No international free movement of persons

National Councilor Balthasar Glättli (Greens, ZH) criticized the fact that the State Political Committee wants to intervene in an unusual way in the Federal Council's powers in foreign policy. He spoke in SPK-N against the motion and for the UN-Migration Pact. "Opponents are acting with false statements about the pact," he says. There is no international free movement of persons, nor limitation of sovereignty. On the contrary, the Migration Pact explicitly states that each state should be able to decide sovereignty over its migration policy and the definition of legal or illegal migration. Glättli, he says, understands that SVP has a political interest in handling the problem. "But why the CVP and FDP representatives are involved is a mystery to me."

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