CDU, CSU and SPD agreement on the asylum package – a small scope



Migration Policy The Grand Coalition Agree on the Asylum Package – A Small Scope

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The Great Coalition agrees on a package against illegal immigration

Leaders of the Great Coalition agree on a package against illegal migration and reinforcement asylum policy. An accelerated asylum procedure has been established. In addition, a law on immigration will be presented to the cabinet later this year.

The three parties of the grand coalition reached an agreement in the conflict over asylum policy.

  • The leader of the SPD, Andrea Nahles, expressed after deliberations of the leaders of the coalition on a "package for the reorganization of the policy of asylum".

U just before the start of the parliamentary summer holidays, the CDU, the CSU and the SPD agreed on Thursday night on a concept for "order and the control of migration policy ". as the fine paper arrives – and not just compared to the emotional Zoff of a week within the coalition.

The bilateral concept is indeed more substantial than the DIN A-4 label, with which the union parties recently concluded their truce. It contains all kinds of generalities and agreements from the March Coalition Agreement. This is because of the most important concerns of Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) is now a "transit" instead of "transit centers" is a stupid word. Much more significant is the note: "The procedure is carried out in accordance with the applicable law;

See also

  Asylum Coalition Committee

The Union and the SPD have accepted and rejected all refugees who have already asked for asylum in another EU Member State ("secondary migration"). ")." Accelerated procedures "were and are a consensus, why this should happen in the future that at the German-Austrian border and not at the borders with the other eight neighbors of Germany. "Seehofer spoke after the agreement Thursday night on the Reichstag marches from" 300 to 350 "case-by-month, he had already called numbers even lower and talked about a" Mickey Mouse problem. "But on this issue, the Union had long argued and brought the country to the brink of ## 147 ## 39: a state crisis Politics is not always a rational affair

Seehofer must travel all over Europe

But the desired "rejection" in the EU country, where refugees first sought asylum, is still not possible today. This requires corresponding bilateral agreements between Germany. Seehofer must now accept this, he must travel across Europe, campaign for it, that is to say to prove himself with political efforts on the plane.

His first trip Thursday to Vienna has not been a success yet. In the coming weeks, the Minister of the Interior will then be able to travel to Rome, Athens, Paris, certainly to Sofia, Zagreb and Bucharest. The German public will follow with interest, with what success Seehofer, especially after his escapades in recent weeks, back to Berlin. Maybe he even likes once at the cozy EU Interior Council in Brussels where it did not even take place.

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Compared to the sometimes martial rhetoric Seehofer and his secretary of state Stephan Mayer (CSU) For the transit procedure, the "existing facilities" of the federal police must be used near the border , outright small parts.

Asylum seekers already living in Germany, previously registered elsewhere, are numerically larger than those in Austria in Germany travel. These asylum seekers should you. at. be determined by means of fog detection. They must be brought to "anchorage centers". These "anchor centers" were written at the initiative of the CSU in the coalition agreement. However, they are only available on paper until now. In the fall, only six of these centers are expected to open. The pressure on Seehofer to act quickly here should now increase significantly. The same is true of the commitment of the Federal Ministry of the Interior to "present timely proposals to further accelerate the Dublin procedure".

Seehofer receives a considerable increase in his responsibilities in that his ministry should be responsible for "repatriations"; Until now, these are the main overloaded municipal immigration authorities. Granted, Seehofer will have new employees for this, a lot of money from the federal budget; Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) has always asked for this transfer of power to the federal government. However, the public should also look carefully here, with how effectively the Ministry of the Interior will be active in the future, so whether the future practice of rhetorical justice or whether Seehofer turns out to be a hero maul.

That the Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz, in the coalition agreement, especially at the instigation of The SPD, which will be adopted later this year, is a little feast for the Social Democrats. But not anymore. Increased support from Germany to Frontex, to the European Union Border Police and to EU measures against visa abuse – these points will probably not be criticized by the opposition.

If Thursday's two-page document resolves any dispute within the Coalition on Migration Policy can be questioned. The agreement on the basis of a thin concept occurs with all kinds of mistrust that has increased in recent weeks. The fact that some parts of the federal government have adopted the AfD's rhetoric ("asylum tourism") and played their political game causes long-term damage to political culture and partisan democracy.

The rapid loss of confidence suffered by Seehofer and the entire German government should be a sufficient warning for the future. Responsible politicians do not play with resentment, especially not in troubled times like this.

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