CDU: Norbert Blüm warns Friedrich Merz as president


Did one of the most important politicians of the CDU personally help Friedrich Merz to follow Angela Merkel? Another veteran is speaking now.

News of November 5 at 22h28: For a long time, the CDU veteran Norbert Blüm was silent. But apparently, there is the loss of power of Chancellor Angela Merkel and the free fall of "her" CDU, but she is now busy. Opposite world
The 83-year-old tells Merkel and the future of Christian Democrats.

The former Federal Minister of Labor and Social Affairs warns against Friedrich Merz and is clearly positioning himself for the CDU's general secretary, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. For "AKK", Blüm writes: "Now it is important not to lose your head, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer offers the best prospect of continuity and reliability of a prudent policy. exchanged the Prime Minister's soft chair against the hard steel of the general secretary. "

Blüm comments more critically Friedrich Merz: "For me, Friedrich Merz has all the prerequisites to form a parallel government as a party leader, we can not afford that in these times."

Did Schäuble Merz take the lead in leading the CDU Presidency? The opposition is making fun of

News of November 2 at 15:01: The report on Wolfgang Schäubles' support for Friedrich Merz in Angela Merkel's run for the presidency of the CDU provokes the ridicule of the opposition. "So, Wolfgang Schäuble has been looking in the Union for years, he could one day follow Angela Merkel … He has come to the conclusion that it is better to have someone from the outside, "tweeted Green MEP Konstantin. from Notz Friday afternoon. As a hashtag, he added: "#AllGanzLustig".

Since Wolfgang has # Schäuble So, for years, I've been watching in the ranks of the Union, who could one day follow Angela Merkel …. – And then he came to the conclusion: it's better to have somebody. one from the outside #AuchGanzLustig

Constantine Notz (@ KonstantinNotz) November 2, 2018

Spectacular Report: Did this Merz of size CDU create the favorite of Merkel's successor?

News of November 2 at 12:48 pm: Apparently, a prominent CDU politician helped Friedrich Merz's candidacy as head of the CDU – and probably also Angela Merkel's farewells. Like that mirror According to the information gathered, the Bundestag President and former CDU leader, Wolfgang Schäuble, has long wanted a fresh start for Merz & # 39; s in the highest political companies.

Schäuble Merz should have advised some time ago to prepare for the succession of Angela Merkel. By no later than the afternoon of the day of the Hessian election, Merz had to specify himself if he wishes to participate in the competition. Schäuble Merz gave on the way, writes the news magazine. In addition, the appointments in Brussels – fueled by initial speculation about Merz's ambitions – (see below) – gave his friend Schäuble.

On the detour to Brussels, the plans were also leaked to Merkel, the report said. "A circumstance that could have influenced their withdrawal from the presidency of the party," speculates the mirror. If the information is correct, it is also clear: Friedrich Merz will probably have a strong defender on his side at the CDU party convention in early March.

Merz's topic on "Illner": Does this duel concern the leadership of the CDU party?

News from November 2 at 12:30 pm: Thursday evening, Friedrich Merz was also a subject of the conference "Maybrit Illner" of the ZDF. You will learn in this article what a duel for the leadership of the party of the CDU journalist Hajo Schumacher.

Merz commented on the criticism of its activities in the economy – the news of November 1

News from November 1st at 19:22: "Friedrich Merz will have to explain to the members of the CDU how he has accompanied his clients in his various functions in the financial sector," said Edda Müller, president of the anti-corruption organization Transparency. Now, Merz commented on the critics. "Stock trades such as Cum-Ex and Cum-Cum ultimately serve to exonerate taxpayers," said 62-year-old Süddeutsche Zeitung, adding that these deals were "totally immoral."

The potential successor of Angela Merkel has been subject to headwinds because of her links with the economy. On October 30, Merz announced that he would run for president of the CDU. If he wins, he wants to resign from his five terms on the supervisory board.

Cum-Ex-Shops and activities in the lobby: Corruption fighters mock Merz

News from November 1, 2018 to 08:33: The anti-corruption organization Transparency Germany has criticized its activities in the economic sector in view of the candidacy of Friedrich Merz for the presidency of the CDU party. "Friedrich Merz will have to explain to the members of the CDU how he has exercised his various functions in the financial sector for a socially responsible action of his clients – as the supervisory board of the private bank HSBC Germany, which carried out its activities", said Edda Müller, President of the German Press Agency in Berlin. "He has to show how he wants to use these experiences for a policy oriented towards well-being."

Former Union Faction Leader, Merz, has been working in a law firm since he retired and held several corporate mandates. He is a member of the Supervisory Board of HSBC Private Bank and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Asset Manager Blackrock Germany. Doubtfully, the cumulative ex-tax transactions have been deceived by a reshuffling of the shares in the tax offices of the European Union. They repaid billions of dollars in taxes never paid.

2:15 pm: Laschet: In the current constellation, no candidacy for the presidency of the CDU

The Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet, does not wish to apply for the presidency of the Federal CDU within the framework of the current constellations. After information from the circles of the NRW-CDU Laschet, said Wednesday morning during a conference call with district presidents that the separation between the chancellery and the party presidency was planned, the office of the head of government of the largest federal state with the presidency of the ruling party within the federation is no longer consistent permanently. Laschet confirmed it in front of other journalists.

9:18: Klöckner without ambition on Merkel's estate

The Federal Minister of Agriculture, Julia Klöckner, wants to remain head of the CDU. "Although I run again as party chairman, but I do not intend to compete for the presidency of the party," said Wednesday the head of the CDU Rhineland-Palatinate at the CDU "Allgemeine Zeitung "from Mainz.

Also read: "Merz? Knaller!": Merkel's successor can trigger euphoria – but it could hurt the situation

6:26: Bosbach race for CDU presidency behind Merz

Who will succeed Angela Merkel as head of the CDU? Wolfgang Bosbach, national politician, has a favorite: Friedrich Merz. According to Bosbach, the needs profile includes the ability to "give a new impetus and momentum to a largely disappointed party" and to win back voters disillusioned by the Union. That said Bosbach the Pbadauer New Press, "I hope Friedrich Merz will most likely be."

Angela Merkel: Who is running for his successor?


Bosbach also hopes the debate will be "objective, elegant and respectful". In addition, he has a clear opinion on the decision of the members: "The effort would be considerable, the process would take a lot of time and we should also trust the delegates to make the right decision".

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October 30 news – 7:26 pm: Merkel's successor: polls are divided – but Merz remains in the lead

In an online survey on Spiegel (see below), Friedrich Merz is clearly regarded as the favorite of the Germans for the post of chief of the CDU. In other investigations, the situation is not so clear. However, the opinion is still unpleasant for Jens Spahn.

Even after a Tuesday for the Handelsblatt The Yougov survey shows that 21% of Germans think that Merz, aged 62, should badume the presidency. 18% voted for Kramp-Karrenbauer, 6% for Spahn and Laschet.

In a Forsa-Blitz survey conducted for the RTL / n-tv trend barometer of 1,502 Germans surveyed on Tuesday, 46% of those polled believe that Kramp-Karrenbauer would be suitable or very good for succeeding CDU President Angela Merkel. Merz comes to 45 percent. North Rhine-Westphalia's Prime Minister Armin Laschet is in third place with 28%, followed by Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn with 22%.

Clock 18:40: New investigation shows: Germans want Merz to be Merkel's successor

The fight for the succession of Angela Merkel as head of the CDU is open. With Friedrich Merz, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and Jens Spahn, three party personalities threw their hats into the ring. But who wants the people to lead the party in power?

A first glimpse of the atmosphere gives a recent survey of the Civey Institute for Spiegel Online. As a result, Friedrich Merz is the favorite of the Germans. 33.7% of those surveyed chose from seven candidates.

According to a survey, Friedrich Merz is the favorite of the Germans for the succession of Angela Merkel to the post of president of the CDU

© dpa / Jens Büttner

The secretary general of the CDU, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, probably stays on the heels. For them, 19.2% of respondents voted. All other potential contenders do not get scores as good, including the ambitious Spahn.

Spahn ranks fourth in the survey of NRW Minister Armin Laschet, who received 6.2% of the vote. The head of the state of Schleswig-Holstein, Daniel Günter, sat in front of them (6.4%). CDU Vice-President Julia Klöckner and Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen each hold 2% of the posts.

Some perplexity can also be read: "Someone else" said 14.1% of respondents, "I do not know" 9.7%.

15:07: Merz, Spahn and AKK loaded on Hamburger CDU

The CDU of Hamburg wants to invite all the candidates to the presidency of the party before the convention of the federal party at the beginning of December for a preliminary round in the Hanseatic city. It is expected that Chancellor Angela Merkel 's potential successors, on November 19, will answer questions from members of the CDU, as declared Tuesday the head of the CDU in Hamburg, Roland Heintze, of the German press agency. "I think it's good that all potential candidates can imagine." Three weeks later, in the Hanseatic city, at the party congress, a new president of the CDU will be elected.

12.32: Merz officially announces his candidacy for the presidency of the CDU

Former Union Faction Leader Friedrich Merz officially announced his candidacy for the presidency of the CDU. He had "after careful consideration" decided to run for president of the CDU at the federal party conference in Hamburg, Merz said Tuesday in a statement.

His statement in the wording:

Yesterday Chancellor Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the CDU Germany, announced that she would no longer be standing as party chairman at the party congress in Hamburg of the CDU Angela Merkel deserves respect and recognition for his achievements in 18 years at the head of the party.So, CDU Germany now has the opportunity to reposition and choose a new leadership of the party.

After much thought and after many discussions, I decided to run for the presidency of the German Christian Democratic Union at the Congress of the Federal Party in Hamburg. We need a fresh start and a revival in the Union with experienced and younger leaders. I am ready to take responsibility and do my utmost to strengthen the internal cohesion and future viability of CDU Germany. "

30.10.2018, 12:32 pm: Friedrich Merz wants to announce his candidacy for the presidency of the CDU in Berlin

The leader of the Union faction, Friedrich Merz, wants to announce his candidacy for the federal presidency of the CDU, according to a report published Tuesday in Berlin. The 62-year-old lawyer will explain why he wants to succeed Angela Merkel at the party congress in Hamburg in December, reports the "Handelsblatt" online, citing the party circles. At first, a spokesman for Merz would not comment on the report at noon.

The potential successors of Merkel? Laschet, Spahn and Kramp-Karrenbauer.


20h11: The succession of Merkel – the Leyen excludes the candidacy

Federal Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen has ruled out a candidacy for the CDU's national presidency to succeed Angela Merkel. She will certainly not do that, she said Monday night in a special ZDF. "I still consider my role as deputy party leader in a consultative and supportive role." It will stay that way. "So who is elected can be sure of my loyalty."

Merkel's career in pictures: from the most powerful physicist to the most powerful woman in the world

19:38: "Merz is a myth": the CDU country chief against the candidacy of Friedrich Merz

CDU leader in Thuringia Mike Mohring is considering the candidacy of Friedrich Merz as national director of the CDU. "I'm a fan of Friedrich Merz. But Merz is a myth," said Mohring Rheinische Post, Merz, aged 62, was between 2000 and 2002 the head of the Union faction in the Bundestag before Merkel replaced him. "We have a new situation and an opportunity in the party." In a "smart process", the new margins should now be used as president after 18 years of mandate for a new start at the federal party's Congress in December. According to information from the German news agency, Merz is considering a candidacy.

17h14: Laschet leaves his candidacy for the posts of boss of the CDU and successor of Merkel

The Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia and head of the CDU, Armin Laschet, presents his own candidacy for the federal presidency of his party. Laschet said Monday no closer to the question of whether he will apply to the succession of outgoing party leader Angela Merkel. It was important to look for the conversation first, he said. The CDU must first badyze the situation and then decide.

You can also find all the news from Angela Merkel here

16:11: Gauland and Weidel, the leaders of the AfD, do not believe in Friedrich Merz

The AfD-top dares to act as the new leader of the CDU party, Friedrich Merz, by his own admission, not to lead Christian Democrats out of the crisis. AfD leader Alexander Gauland said Monday in Berlin that he could not imagine that the party "forgive" the former leader of the Bundestag faction in the Union. , that he retired from politics in 2009 and turned to business.

Alice Weidel, who heads the AFD parliamentary group alongside Gauland, said: "Friedrich Merz was disloyal to the CDU." He had left the party "in the rain" at that time. The CDU not only lacks the appropriate staff. The party was also "totally social democratized by program," said Weidel.

14:55: Debate on the succession: Laschet marches in Merkel's footsteps

The Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet, described as "remarkable" the decision of Chancellor Angela Merkel to no longer run for the position of leader of the CDU party. "It was 18 years since she was leading the party as Chancellor to the government," the CDU deputy chairman said in Berlin at the end of the party committee meetings. But now it is important for the grand coalition to do even better.

Laschet himself would have ambitions for the presidency of the CDU. Apparently, he wants to appear before the press today. Content is open Apparently not in competition Daniel Günther, Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein.

Merkel and Spahn: Will he be his successor?

© dpa / Michael Kappeler

13h56: Merkel on her successors Spahn, Merz and Kramp-Karrenbauer

Are Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Friedrich Merz or Jens Spahn the good successors? She wants to participate in the debate and not to speculation. She could not say anything worthwhile. She will respect all decisions of her party. You could certainly work with Merz and Spahn. She could get along with a lot of people, said Merkel at the press conference in Berlin. Merkel wants to leave the presidency of the CDU in December, but remains chancellor until 2021.

12:54 pm: Spahn, Merz and AKK, Merkel's potential successors

At the same time, the so-called CDU circles also announced that Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and Jens Spahn would succeed Angela Merkel as CDU president in December. Already announced his candidacy to Bonn international lawyer Matthias Herdegen, the 26-year-old Berlin law student Jan-Philipp Knoop and the 61-year-old Hessian entrepreneur Andreas Ritzenhoff.

11:48: Merz's candidacy for Merkel's successor as president of the CDU is approved by CSU

The suggestive candidacy of Friedrich Merz as president of the CDU is approved at least in some parts of the CSU. "He (Friedrich Merz) opens up a huge prospect for the CDU and sends a signal against any further erosion of the AfD," said Monday in Munich the former secretary general of the CSU and Minister of Finance. State, Thomas Goppel. Goppel pointed out that he supported Merz's candidacy also in his role as the state president of the Union of Older Citizens within the CSU. The sisters of the Union need someone like him as a strong leader for the future.

Also interesting: Angela Merkel holds the presidency of the party at the CDU – no additional mandate as chancellor

29.10.2018, 10:32: Merz wants to be Merkel's successor in the CDU

After the announced withdrawal of Chancellor Angela Merkel, the former Union leader, Friedrich Merz, is apparently ready to run for president of the CDU party. Who learned pictureNewspaper and dpa from the environment of Friedrich Merz. Merz told his relatives that he was ready to take on this responsibility if the party so wished. The support of the party's conservatives would have once Merkel's opponents once, if he now presented as the successor of Merkel.

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Not everywhere but approved: "We have enough candidates, Friedrich Merz is one of them, but it's not about who gets his hands up first," said Roland Heintze, director of the CDU in Hamburg.

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First message to Friedrich Merz as Merkel's future successor

Brussels – Friedrich Merz disappeared from politics for almost ten years. Minister has never been the Sauerländer – and also faction leader of the Union only during the opposition years of the Schröder era. Nevertheless, some supporters of the Union parties with nostalgia towards Merz remember it.

Merz meets with politicians and officials of the European Union – Angela Merkel too

For these people, the news is good: some evidence suggests that Merz wants to get involved again after his "political break" announced in 2009. And possibly at the highest level. As the world reports, Mr Merz is in Brussels to meet with EU Commissioner Günther Oettinger, Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier and 15 senior EU officials.

It was a "test," said one interview participant. "Merz wanted to know what they thought in the European Union about the Federal Government and Chancellor Merkel." Specifically, it was relations with the United States, Brexit, but also the performance of the federal government and – very much to the boil this summer – a dispute between CDU and CSU are gone.

Is Friedrich Merz coming back? The Prime Minister has brought him as Chancellor's candidate in the game

Merz's return efforts do not necessarily mean such discussions: he has been active in the economy since his exit from politics, including as a consultant and chairman of the supervisory board of BlackRock Germany. BlackRock claims to be the "largest independent badet manager in the world". Merz, it is also the "Atlantic Bridge" network before.

Friedrich Merz and Angela Merkel.

© picture-alliance / dpa / Stéphanie Pilick

However, the news comes at a remarkable time: the CDU is at the bottom of the survey. For some time, calls have been made for a renewal of the party. Angela Merkel, member of the CDU office, also bid farewell to the public in September. The Prime Minister of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer, recently introduced Merz into the game as a candidate for the Chancellor in the upcoming federal election.

Friedrich Merz as a contrast with Merkel? Conservative and economical

Merz is considered a representative of a conservative business-oriented policy. At the height of his political career, the 62-year-old invented, inter alia, the term "Leitkultur" and spoke in favor of a simplified taxation concept. In 2008, Merz also advocated for a restriction of benefits.

Recently, however, Merz had made headlines refusing the Ludwig Erhard Prize. He did not want to appear on the scene of the controversial president of the Foundation, Roland Tichy.

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