Change of time: Should this be the last time? – reader


The survey found that 84% of the estimated 4.6 million citizens of the European Union had voted against the tipping in August. Since then, the European Commission is on gas and wants to abolish the subdivision in summer and winter in 2019.


What time should become the new standard?

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So it is possible that we turn on the clock for the last time Sunday. For this to happen, EU Member States should agree by April at the latest on a common solution to the change in time.

If it works, but are currently in the stars. It is not clear if after the switchover, the standard time or summer time will remain the new standard. The European Commission aims for a common solution, but the decision-making power belongs to the states.

The danger: if some opt for summer, others for the winter, they may create a mosaic of time zones in Europe. This would affect primarily trade, but also air and rail traffic.

We now want to know what you think about this subject. "Should the eternal" normal time prevail in the future in Austria or do you prefer the summer time? Write a comment and discuss with.

On Sunday, the clocks are reset at 3 am and 2 am one. As a result, the sun sets earlier, dusk is already setting in Vienna Sunday at 16:55.

Early risers have more problems with the transition to fall than late risers. Who usually gets up at 6 am, but by the change wakes up at 5 am, is told to stay in bed, according to the sleep researchers. So that the body can get used to the new time.

Please be careful, it is also on the streets. As a result of the change, rush-hour traffic resumes its sunrise and sunset times. Motorists should expect reflections and should pay attention to window cleaning. Extra danger: driving at dawn increases the risk of wild deer. If a pet is running in the street, motorists must brake immediately, but do not avoid it – otherwise, you could go to a tree or traffic.

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