Charge in the case Hacking Overshadows Putin and Trump Meetings "


Following a new indictment by the US special investigator Robert Mueller on Russian hacker attacks, Russia denies any further interference. Russia has not intervened in the 2016 US elections and has no plans to do so, according to the Kremlin. The opponents of a Russian-American rapprochement have abused this issue, said Friday in Moscow Foreign Policy Advisor Vladimir Putin Yuri Ushakov

Putin's summit with US President Donald Trump next Monday in Helsinki will be punctuated by A new indictment The US special investigator Robert Mueller eclipsed twelve Russian intelligence agents. They allegedly hacked the computers of the American Democrats and the electoral camp of Donald Trump's opponent, Hillary Clinton. With charges against intelligence agents, which were raised on Friday, US justice badumes that the Russian army behind the Hackingriffen stuck.

"If the Americans have facts, we will look at them, our President has repeatedly told Ushakov the Tbad agency.The issue could also be discussed in a joint working group against cyber-driving. [19659004] Four-Eyed Conversation

Given the bad relationship, the Helsinki meeting would succeed if both parties were willing to "clean the debris." Ushakov said, Putin wants Trump to make proposals for cooperation It will also be about Syria – the Kremlin sees Trump not as an opponent of Putin, but as a "partner in the talks that can be pursued."

According to Ushakov, the meeting in the presidential palace of The Finnish capital will start with a four-way conversation with translators, and then the delegations will be involved at the same time. Russian, Mike Pompeo and Sergei Lavrov, meet

After the Russian authorities charge, opposition Democrats on Friday called on President Trump to hold a summit with Kremlin leader Vladimir Cancel Putin. Russia must first "take demonstrable and transparent measures" to prove that it will not intervene in the next elections, Chuck Schumer, opposition leader in the Senate, said on Friday. .


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