Childcare: FPÖ matches with ÖVP and Greens | Tiroler Tageszeitung online


Liberal Party President Markus Abwerzger has no sympathy for the country's attitude towards child care. The federal draft agreement with the states expressly welcomes the prohibition of the headscarf at the kindergarten. "You can not be against the headscarf at this age in principle, but at the same time claim that you do not want it, because it's not feasible," he said at Beate's address Palfrader (ÖVP). In truth, she did not want to protect the children.

From the Greens' point of view, the first real test awaits the federal states and the federal government in matters of childcare. For Vice-President Stephanie Jicha, Family Minister Bogner-Strauss (VP) announced that he would reduce by more than 20% the funds already committed to increase child care services to 110 million. The clear declaration on the headscarf ban by Beate Palfrader welcomes Jicha. The club's boss, Gebi Mair, points out that "it was very important for us to refuse the funding agreement with the prohibition of the headscarf inadmissible."

In addition to day care, the areas reserved for social housing provided by Georg Willi, Mayor of Innsbruck. "It's to make sure that at least some of the land is coming to the market at affordable prices, so I'm expecting support from the business community," he says. especially from the business badociation, "says Willi, as you know, his representative and leader of the ÖVP club in the city council, Hannes Anzengruber, rejects the reserved areas.Willi calls for: we should do everything together to ensure that rents become affordable and the middle clbad still able to acquire property Beate Palfrader, ÖVP housing advisor, also supports Willis'

intention On the other hand, the Freedom Party accuses the government of the Green-Black state and Mayor Willi of playing politics with enemy images, from bad drivers to landowners. "LR Beate Palfrader's support for fantasies compulsory expropriation Willis is indicative of the state of at the Tyrolean ÖVP. Restrictions on property to this extent have nothing to do with bourgeois politics, "said Markus Abwerzger unworthy. (Pn)

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