Childcare: Palfrader but with criticism


Just two weeks ago, State Councilor Beate Palfrader (ÖVP) reacted by approving the federal government's childcare plans. Now the education counselor is criticizing it severely.

On July 11, the federal government presented its plans to fund the expansion of kindergarten. Even then, many states, including ÖVP-governed, have reacted with strong criticism. Only in the Tyrol was presented with the project "in principle satisfied" – more in the care of children: Tyrol satisfied with the draft

Palfrader justified the emerging criticism with the fact that it is normal in a political process, that they are also critical to discuss something. They will now sit at the negotiating table and try to find a solution acceptable to the states, according to Palfrader at the Tyrol ORF

Intervention in the Länder's Jurisdiction

Friday Palfrader said that the financing plans would be mbadive Intervention in the competence of the countries. For example, she does not understand why the expansion of kindergarten places for children from three to six years is no longer admissible. According to the provincial councilor, there are more than 100 municipalities in the Tyrol that want to develop.

In addition, Palfrader sees a "huge administrative burden" for federal states. Palfrader believes that an impossibility

against the ban on the headscarf

Palfrader has ruled against a possible ban on the headscarf before. What the state counselor is now criticizing is the mixture of both funding and headscarf prohibition issues. Palfrader told the "Tiroler Tageszeitung" that girls should not wear a headscarf in the kindergarten is basically a reasonable measure to eliminate discrimination and equal opportunities ", but she does not believe that the constitutional proportionality for a headscarf ban in the Tyrol is

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