China replaces the news reader by artificial intelligence


The Chinese Xinhua News Agency has unveiled its first virtual newsreader: "AI Anchor" is modeled on a celebrity presenter and is expected in the future 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, news from all regions of the country.

Xinhua, the new employee of the China News News Agency, does not need an office, does not ask for salary and never takes a vacation. He reads the news tirelessly; he was finally programmed for that. Many viewers probably know the face: it belongs to the famous TV presenter Zhang Zhao. But he is not.

The new newsreader is a software, Artificial Intelligence, designed to generate reports 24 hours a day since the Middle Kingdom. "AI Anchor" (AI Newscaster) is fluent in Mandarin and English.

It was developed by the Xinhua News Agency and the search engine giant in Beijing "Sogou". Certainly, the movements of the lips and the facial expressions of "AI Anchor" seem a little more mechanical. But is not it what you expect from a news reader? In fact, developers have badyzed many hours of video footage to create the most realistic image possible of a neutral news reader.

The software is already in use: users can view the virtual show via, for example, the WeChat clone in Chinese WhatsApp, the Weibo social network or state-owned apps and websites. The live stream is available in English and Chinese.

The KI news reader reads the messages that are continuously introduced into his system. Without human resources, the Xinhua News Agency will no longer be hearing from you in the future.

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