Clash between Kickl and opposition at BVT – News


Tomorrow, Interior Minister Herbert Kickl and Public Safety Director Michaela Kardeis are expected to meet the most interesting information providers to date. Above all, the investigation of the former is eagerly awaited.

Opposition: Kickl the "brain" behind BAT-Causa

For the opposition, Kickl is still considered a "brain" behind the illegal home searches of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the fight against terrorism. SP, Neos and Now also accuse the Home Secretary of having been "hostile" to BAT for a long time. The reasons for this intimidation are found in the opposition, mainly in the extremist section of the BVT. This had already taken people from the Kickl environment into the center of his research, but the interior minister finally fought back with the controversial house search suspected of opposition. According to the opposition parties, Kickl would have consciously accepted the fact that the Austrian secret services had suffered a huge loss of confidence with regard to foreign partners as a result of the raid.

Kickl contradicts the representation of the opposition

As expected, the government parties, especially the FPÖ, will oppose their own vision of the cause with this presentation of events. As in the past, Kickl is very likely to point out that the case as a whole is, in his view, a simple criminal case. The Interior Minister had already stated on several occasions in the past that in his opinion, he would have been even more criticized if he did not proceed with a quick search for allegations of the l 'affair. anonymous opponent (the partially confused letter is considered the starting point of the case, p.)

Did Kickl "clean up" the work in BAT?

In any case, it will be exciting to see how Kickl resolves the many contradictions in which "his" Secretary General Peter Goldgruber was involved in his questions before the committee. In his testimony before the Inquiry Committee, he had repeatedly confused himself by contradicting himself, as well as the Director General of Public Safety, Michaela Kardeis and Attorney Schmudermayer.

Is the BAT as "corrupt as ever"?

The latter, for example, wrote in her "prosecutor's diary" that Goldgruber had been instructed by Interior Minister Kickl to clean up the BAT because she was "more corrupt than ever". Goldgruber himself, however, denies ever having such allegations.

The question of a possible mission is of crucial quality for the work of the investigation commission. Indeed, according to the laws of the Republic of Austria, the Ministry of the Interior does not have the task of pursuing criminal activities at the BVT. This task is governed by the Constitution and is addressed exclusively to the public prosecutor's office. Because: BAT is a subordinate of the Ministry of the Interior, but his control is not the responsibility of the ministry itself, as this would clearly contradict the separation of powers.

Director-General to declare suspension of Gridlings

Kardeis, meanwhile, should answer the committee's questions about the circumstances surrounding the suspension of the BVT's director, Gridling, who is being dismissed, and comment again on Deputy Secretary General Goldgruber's request regarding the agents infiltration in the middle of the far right. ,

Justice Minister Moser arrives Wednesday

One day after Kickl and Kardeis, the Minister of Justice, Josef Moser, and the prosecutor, Ursula Schmudermayer, will sit on the committee. Although Schmudermayer has already been questioned by the U committee, the opposition now wants to confront them with the subsequent contradictions of Goldgruber.

According to the opposition parties before the committee, Moser explains in turn that the BAT-Causa justice was active relatively late.

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