Coalition suspects Silberstein behind ÖGB campaign


Vienna. A dinner in a Viennese palace, an observation in a noble hotel – in a small format, former SPÖ activist, Tal Silberstein, early July in Vienna. The SPÖ election campaign imploded in 2017 due to Silberstein's "dirty tricks" – yesterday the SPÖ insisted that they had nothing to do with their former adviser.

Secretaries General Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) and Christian Hafenecker (FPÖ) Do not believe this and scent behind the actions against the 12-hour day and the "campaign of lies" against the cancellation of the 5th week of holiday Silberstein. SPÖ and ÖGB should clarify the question

ÖVP-Nehammer: "Silberstein and his methods are back"

"The return of Tal Silberstein in Austria raises some questions, Christian Kern and Max Lercher must specify if Silberstein Social- Democrats apparently have not learned the lessons of the events of the previous year, "said Karl Nehammer, general secretary of the People's Party in a press release. He asks for a clarification from the SPÖ: "Is Silberstein again under contract with the SPÖ or related organizations, or is he working on services opened the previous year?", Nehammer pursues [19659005]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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