Comments: Hermann Maier defends asylum seekers


… it is indisputable, however, that because of the policy of "welcoming refugees" mbades of problems have been imported into our country !!!

… problems such as. crime (ranging from murder, rape, robberies to display)


problems concerning our social policy (especially basic care, housing allowance), as well as many financial aids for the purchase of furniture, clothes, öffis, electronic card, free drugs, free German courses, etc., etc …

… All this, without ever having paid a only penny in our system !!!

… so are you rightly asking yourself why Austrian taxpayers should / should pay for everything ??? !!!

… so the asylum application should be much more accurate from the Federal Office for Foreigners and Asylum ("BFA")), and in the case of "the asylum seekers". a negative decision to start immediately with evictions, even if there is a teaching relationship !!!

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