"Confederation of States": the President of the "State of Upper Austria" questioned


"Confederation of States": the President of the "State of Upper Austria" questioned

GRAZ: Monday at the Grazer Straflandesgericht, the proceedings against 14 members of the "Austrian Federation" continued.

Process in the state court of Graz Picture: Apa

The defendants are sometimes accused of attempting high treason and must all together answer for the constitution of an anti-state organization. On the eighth day of the hearing, the President of the "State of Upper Austria" was questioned. The "confederation of states" consisted only of individual states, coinciding with the states of Austria. Some of the "heads of state" have been sitting on the dock since October 15. It was the same for a 67-year-old man who had presided over Upper Austria. The extremely eloquent man was constantly trying to minimize his part of the project, although he could not deny his leadership. "I have been inactive since 20.4.2017, I have no idea what is happening now," he said several times.

However, the judge did not want to make it easier for her, she asked him thorough questions about every detail of the accused. The same was true of arrest warrants against members of the government, who had themselves published the so-called state objectors. With these, they went to various barracks and asked the army to arrest the appointees. "Why the Austrian army?", Interested the judge. "I do not think it would have helped Croatia or Slovenia," she said.

"Did you realize that you use arrest warrants to restrict the freedom of others?", Continued the president. "I was aware of it, I also see it in my mind," he detained for several months. Aged 67, he participated in several meetings – the "Stammtisch" – and also intervened as a speaker. "Have you asked people to oppose the state of Austria?", The judge wanted to know. "No, my job was enlightened, I read texts and I had conversations," the accused pointed out innocently.

Once again, the speech was made in front of the license plate manufactured by the manufacturer, who had sold it to its members and had to replace the official registration plate and therefore also the "license plate". liability insurance. "An English insurance would have insured these marks," described the accused of the new model. "Would you have been allowed to use cars without insurance?" Asked the judge. "Everyone has to decide for themselves," replied the president of "the State of Upper Austria".

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