Construction begins on Monikapforte Historic District


Mayor Harald Preuner (ÖVP) was also relieved that "the temporary took a very long time, but that it is now replaced by a fixed construction of a very beautiful architecture."

A new bridge can already be used from the autumn

The temporary current has been moved about three meters. Next door, the new bridge will be built. "During the autumn, the new bridge will be pbadable," said Werner David, of the country's bridge construction department.

The current temporary structure will be dismantled in November. Subsequently, as a replacement line for nature conservation, the management of the previous street, ie the pbadage through the Monikapforte, was rebuilt on a paved pavement of approximately two and a half meters wide. The remaining areas of the original street layout are landscaped. All the works will be completed by the spring of 2019.

  In the photo (from left to right) Mayor Harald Preuner, Provincial Councilor Stefan Schnöll, Site Manager Kurt Haslauer and Werner David (Province of Salzburg ./ LMZ / Neumayr .li.): Mayor Harald Preuner, Provincial Councilor Stefan Schnöll, Site Director Kurt Haslauer and Werner David (Province of Salzburg) ./ LMZ / Neumayr

] The bridge should not weigh down the old defensive walls

Plans of the winning project of the Hall 1 architecture office and the Heinrich and Hudritsch engineering office. The plant extends over a distance of about 12.5 meters between historic defensive walls of a length of about 16 meters. The challenge is that old walls should not be stressed. The bridge will hover over the old walls at a distance of about ten centimeters and rests on piles drilled into the rock.

Lightened construction and high quality materials

In addition, the concrete structure is characterized by a particularly thin design. "The guardrails and edge beams are made of high quality materials such as polished stainless steel.All concrete surfaces are finished by sandblasting.The new bridge should thus harmonize with the surfaces. of the existing building while clearly standing out as a new structure, "informs the project manager Josef Leitner

The cost of the construction of the bridge is about 880,000 euros and are divided between the land and the city of Salzburg half each.In addition, the city is participating in renovation works in the project area for an amount of about 135 000. The construction works are carried out by Swietelsky Bau GmbH Salzburg

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